The Coalition’s election war-chest will be brimming with fossil fuel donations thanks to demands by Barnaby Joyce ...

Andrew Forrest and Mukesh Ambani, the richest men in India and Australia respectively, have just gone public with ...

Labor claims it’s a safety issue, Liberals say it’s a drafting issue. The bigger issue is how both major political ...

The NSW government is pushing through new coal exploration areas in the state’s mid-west, which have been labelled ...

As a block, the two major parties voted to give our money, public money, to corporations to drill for coal seam ...

The Andrews Government has pledged the end of native logging in Victoria by 2030. Yet it is allowing Allied ...

As petrochemical giants plan to double new plastics production and the bulk of Australian plastics are tipped into ...

Duxton Water executives have been boasting about “beautiful” structural imbalances in Australia’s water market, ...

Australia is the biggest exporter of gas, bar none, in the world, yet we are paying the seventh-highest prices for ...

The sudden, global move to tax carbon puts billions of Australian coal and gas exports at risk, indeed this ...

"It's our waste, it's our problem", said Scott Morrison as he announced the nation's waste export ban culminating ...

Beware recycled plastics. They often contain virgin plastics, the very plastics the recyclers say they are ...