Taylored to Suit: Climate Solutions Fund good for fossil fuels, not so good for climateBy Tim Buckley | May 22, 2020The Climate Solutions Fund is a fillip for the Government's fossil fuel backers and offers little in the way of ...
Politics of Failure: climate wars rehash glosses over Australia’s epic failure on energyBy Adam Lucas | May 22, 2020Australia's utter failure on carbon emissions was glossed over, and corporate machinations were ignored, in this ...
Covert-19: Government stacks Covid Commission with oil and gas mates, cosy deals followBy Sandi Keane | May 13, 2020The Government is quietly blowing away years of environmental protections under cover of Covid. Its Covid ...
Since when is it a crime to report a crime? Bernard Collaery exposes the Timor Sea betrayalBy Callum Foote | April 28, 2020With the release of his book, Oil Under Troubled Water, to coincide with Witness K's closed court plea hearing ...
Boomers vs Millennials: failure to act on climate is costing Australians their futureBy Sian Perry | April 15, 2020Failing to tackle climate change will cost younger generations dearly and place Australia behind the rest of the ...
Cherry-Picking: Santos selects convenient data to deflect Narrabri gas challengeBy Andrew Grogan | April 8, 2020Should the Narrabri project get the green light, high levels of CO2 will be vented straight into the atmosphere, ...
Battle for Narrabri: report claims Santos gas field emissions approach coalBy Anna Christie | April 2, 2020The "Battle for Narrabri" continues to rage under cover of Covid darkness. A new report on well data in the ...
Nuclear lobby takes aim at Victoria to tackle prohibitionsBy Noel Wauchope | February 26, 2020Having dithered on real action to tackle global warming, some in the Coalition are now taking a keen interest in ...
Coalition struggles to push coal and gas into Clean Energy Finance CorpBy Anthony Klan | February 24, 2020Plans by Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor to deliver power plants across the nation are in disarray; the $1 billion ...
Santos blows $7 billion in five years and no relief for gas customersBy Bruce Robertson | February 19, 2020As Santos reports its profits this week, there is one number you are unlikely to hear from chief Kevin Gallagher: ...
Vickery Vexation: local council pitted against new coal mineBy Callum Foote | February 12, 2020In the aftermath of the worst bushfire crisis in Australia's history, Whitehaven Coal and the NSW Mineral lobby ...
Australia needs a sovereign wealth fund like Norway for the next boom – electrificationBy Tosh Szatow | February 7, 2020Battery metal Sovereign Wealth Fund for Australia
Taylored to Suit: Climate Solutions Fund good for fossil fuels, not so good for climateBy Tim Buckley | May 22, 2020The Climate Solutions Fund is a fillip for the Government's fossil fuel backers and offers little in the way of ...
Politics of Failure: climate wars rehash glosses over Australia’s epic failure on energyBy Adam Lucas | May 22, 2020Australia's utter failure on carbon emissions was glossed over, and corporate machinations were ignored, in this ...
Covert-19: Government stacks Covid Commission with oil and gas mates, cosy deals followBy Sandi Keane | May 13, 2020The Government is quietly blowing away years of environmental protections under cover of Covid. Its Covid ...
Since when is it a crime to report a crime? Bernard Collaery exposes the Timor Sea betrayalBy Callum Foote | April 28, 2020With the release of his book, Oil Under Troubled Water, to coincide with Witness K's closed court plea hearing ...
Boomers vs Millennials: failure to act on climate is costing Australians their futureBy Sian Perry | April 15, 2020Failing to tackle climate change will cost younger generations dearly and place Australia behind the rest of the ...
Cherry-Picking: Santos selects convenient data to deflect Narrabri gas challengeBy Andrew Grogan | April 8, 2020Should the Narrabri project get the green light, high levels of CO2 will be vented straight into the atmosphere, ...
Battle for Narrabri: report claims Santos gas field emissions approach coalBy Anna Christie | April 2, 2020The "Battle for Narrabri" continues to rage under cover of Covid darkness. A new report on well data in the ...
Nuclear lobby takes aim at Victoria to tackle prohibitionsBy Noel Wauchope | February 26, 2020Having dithered on real action to tackle global warming, some in the Coalition are now taking a keen interest in ...
Coalition struggles to push coal and gas into Clean Energy Finance CorpBy Anthony Klan | February 24, 2020Plans by Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor to deliver power plants across the nation are in disarray; the $1 billion ...
Santos blows $7 billion in five years and no relief for gas customersBy Bruce Robertson | February 19, 2020As Santos reports its profits this week, there is one number you are unlikely to hear from chief Kevin Gallagher: ...
Vickery Vexation: local council pitted against new coal mineBy Callum Foote | February 12, 2020In the aftermath of the worst bushfire crisis in Australia's history, Whitehaven Coal and the NSW Mineral lobby ...
Australia needs a sovereign wealth fund like Norway for the next boom – electrificationBy Tosh Szatow | February 7, 2020Battery metal Sovereign Wealth Fund for Australia