Mine voids: big party, now for the hangoverBy Michael West | July 25, 2016Mining companies and regulators have gravely underestimated the costs of mine rehabilitation, leaving taxpayers in ...
It’s a gas! Australian gas is a bargain … if you’re JapaneseBy Michael West | July 15, 2016In Japan, they pay a lot less for Australian gas than we do in Australia. Last month, the spot price in Japan ...
Coal woes push Peabody Energy to brinkBy Michael West | May 9, 2016Adani and Shenhua are still pursuing their spanking new coal projects, Walter-Mitty-like, while the financial ...
Half a dozen ways out of rehab for coal companiesBy Michael West | April 13, 2016A report from Environmental Justice Australia has detailed six ways in which coal companies can sidestep their ...
Is coal giant funded for its mine rehabBy Michael West | April 11, 2016Judgement day may arrive as early as this week for Peabody, as the US coal giant teeters at the precipice of ...
Powerlink is Queensland government’s golden gooseBy Michael West | April 4, 2016If Annastacia Palaszczuk and her ministers were smacking their lips at the heroic prices her southern neighbours ...
Coal advisers dig us a holeBy Michael West | February 22, 2016There's a public meeting at Wollar, near Mudgee, this week at which US coal major Peabody will seek community ...
Digging a deeper hole for coalBy Michael West | February 19, 2016Has the government completely lost the plot? Why are they helping flood the market by backing the opening of 20 ...
Consumers are subsidising the unprofitable coal seam gas industryBy Michael West | February 8, 2016After all the heartache, trenchant opposition from local communities and a towering $1.8 billion in ...
Oils ain’t oils, gas contracts ain’t gas contractsBy Michael West | October 17, 2015It was with high expectations and a sense of gravity that the gravelly voiced Ian Macfarlane addressed a ...
Coal isn’t dead; it’s a takeover targetBy Michael West | September 28, 2015Coal is not dead yet – not even the thermal stuff - but it's cheap. No doubt about that. A takeover bid was ...
Adani mine’s fate may hang in balance for some timeBy Michael West | August 7, 2015Tony Abbott is fulminating about those dastardly eco-warriors and their sabotage of Adani's plan to build the ...
Mine voids: big party, now for the hangoverBy Michael West | July 25, 2016Mining companies and regulators have gravely underestimated the costs of mine rehabilitation, leaving taxpayers in ...
It’s a gas! Australian gas is a bargain … if you’re JapaneseBy Michael West | July 15, 2016In Japan, they pay a lot less for Australian gas than we do in Australia. Last month, the spot price in Japan ...
Coal woes push Peabody Energy to brinkBy Michael West | May 9, 2016Adani and Shenhua are still pursuing their spanking new coal projects, Walter-Mitty-like, while the financial ...
Half a dozen ways out of rehab for coal companiesBy Michael West | April 13, 2016A report from Environmental Justice Australia has detailed six ways in which coal companies can sidestep their ...
Is coal giant funded for its mine rehabBy Michael West | April 11, 2016Judgement day may arrive as early as this week for Peabody, as the US coal giant teeters at the precipice of ...
Powerlink is Queensland government’s golden gooseBy Michael West | April 4, 2016If Annastacia Palaszczuk and her ministers were smacking their lips at the heroic prices her southern neighbours ...
Coal advisers dig us a holeBy Michael West | February 22, 2016There's a public meeting at Wollar, near Mudgee, this week at which US coal major Peabody will seek community ...
Digging a deeper hole for coalBy Michael West | February 19, 2016Has the government completely lost the plot? Why are they helping flood the market by backing the opening of 20 ...
Consumers are subsidising the unprofitable coal seam gas industryBy Michael West | February 8, 2016After all the heartache, trenchant opposition from local communities and a towering $1.8 billion in ...
Oils ain’t oils, gas contracts ain’t gas contractsBy Michael West | October 17, 2015It was with high expectations and a sense of gravity that the gravelly voiced Ian Macfarlane addressed a ...
Coal isn’t dead; it’s a takeover targetBy Michael West | September 28, 2015Coal is not dead yet – not even the thermal stuff - but it's cheap. No doubt about that. A takeover bid was ...
Adani mine’s fate may hang in balance for some timeBy Michael West | August 7, 2015Tony Abbott is fulminating about those dastardly eco-warriors and their sabotage of Adani's plan to build the ...