Time for Rio to right its wrongs and set up HQ in Australia againBy Shane West | September 12, 2020The destruction of the sacred Juukan Gorge caves highlighted the folly of Rio Tinto’s decision-making in moving ...
Desperate Dalrymple: Brookfield dumps coal port on mums and dads in ASX float as Queensland moots bail-outBy Michael West | September 11, 2020The giant coal port Dalrymple Bay is up for sale. The financial engineering wizards from Brookfield want out. ...
Gas Lies: Santos tries to ram through coal seam gas at Narrabri with fake claimsBy Michael West | August 31, 2020Santos has lodged a big report based on false assumptions to push its Narrabri CSG project through regulators. Its ...
Barnaby Joyce signed off $80m for Angus Taylor’s old company after zero was paid for same sort of water nearbyBy Kerry Brewster | August 20, 2020Same water, same valuer, $80m and nought. The same type of water licences for irrigation properties near those for ...
Barnaby’s Boondoggle: documents reveal $80m price for ‘Watergate’ licences was nearly twice valuationBy Kerry Brewster | August 17, 2020The Coalition paid the tax haven-linked Eastern Australia Agriculture nearly double what independent valuers ...
Snow Job: why the cover-up over Snowy Hydro 2.0?By Callum Foote | August 11, 2020The National Parks Association of NSW and ex-Energy Australia chair Ted Woodley are considering a legal challenge ...
Bureau of Meteorology: under pressure to toe the Coalition line on climate change?By Sandi Keane | August 7, 2020While the UK’s Met Office is out there educating the public, BoM is remarkably coy about any public discussion of ...
Pandemic ‘a smokescreen’ to ram through controversial mining projects like Santos gas in NarrabriBy Callum Foote | July 31, 2020The independent hearings into one of the most controversial projects in NSW history, Santos' coal seam gas dream ...
A Savage Call: energy tsar calls time on Australia’s gas cartelBy Michael West | July 3, 2020The Government and its Covid Commission are pushing a $6 billion gas pipeline while new energy regulator, Clare ...
Environment Minister approves Whitehaven’s tenth coal mineBy Callum Foote | July 1, 2020The state's 52nd coal mine, and the first since Covid, has been approved by the Minister for the Environment in ...
Revisiting failed climate strategy of CCS renders investors speechlessBy Clark Butler | June 30, 2020Carbon capture and storage, the prohibitively expensive climate mitigation strategy, is back on the Coalition's ...
Assault on environment by gas fracking multinationals escalatesBy Callum Foote | June 5, 2020Multinational corporations have captured the national polity and continue to push last-century energy solutions on ...
Time for Rio to right its wrongs and set up HQ in Australia againBy Shane West | September 12, 2020The destruction of the sacred Juukan Gorge caves highlighted the folly of Rio Tinto’s decision-making in moving ...
Desperate Dalrymple: Brookfield dumps coal port on mums and dads in ASX float as Queensland moots bail-outBy Michael West | September 11, 2020The giant coal port Dalrymple Bay is up for sale. The financial engineering wizards from Brookfield want out. ...
Gas Lies: Santos tries to ram through coal seam gas at Narrabri with fake claimsBy Michael West | August 31, 2020Santos has lodged a big report based on false assumptions to push its Narrabri CSG project through regulators. Its ...
Barnaby Joyce signed off $80m for Angus Taylor’s old company after zero was paid for same sort of water nearbyBy Kerry Brewster | August 20, 2020Same water, same valuer, $80m and nought. The same type of water licences for irrigation properties near those for ...
Barnaby’s Boondoggle: documents reveal $80m price for ‘Watergate’ licences was nearly twice valuationBy Kerry Brewster | August 17, 2020The Coalition paid the tax haven-linked Eastern Australia Agriculture nearly double what independent valuers ...
Snow Job: why the cover-up over Snowy Hydro 2.0?By Callum Foote | August 11, 2020The National Parks Association of NSW and ex-Energy Australia chair Ted Woodley are considering a legal challenge ...
Bureau of Meteorology: under pressure to toe the Coalition line on climate change?By Sandi Keane | August 7, 2020While the UK’s Met Office is out there educating the public, BoM is remarkably coy about any public discussion of ...
Pandemic ‘a smokescreen’ to ram through controversial mining projects like Santos gas in NarrabriBy Callum Foote | July 31, 2020The independent hearings into one of the most controversial projects in NSW history, Santos' coal seam gas dream ...
A Savage Call: energy tsar calls time on Australia’s gas cartelBy Michael West | July 3, 2020The Government and its Covid Commission are pushing a $6 billion gas pipeline while new energy regulator, Clare ...
Environment Minister approves Whitehaven’s tenth coal mineBy Callum Foote | July 1, 2020The state's 52nd coal mine, and the first since Covid, has been approved by the Minister for the Environment in ...
Revisiting failed climate strategy of CCS renders investors speechlessBy Clark Butler | June 30, 2020Carbon capture and storage, the prohibitively expensive climate mitigation strategy, is back on the Coalition's ...
Assault on environment by gas fracking multinationals escalatesBy Callum Foote | June 5, 2020Multinational corporations have captured the national polity and continue to push last-century energy solutions on ...