The Madhouse Effect: climate denial in Australia v the USBy David Schlosberg | August 25, 2017This latest article by David Schlosberg, University of Sydney, is part of an ongoing series from the Post-Truth ...
Coalition tries again to strip eco-charities of tax-deductibility statusBy Cam Walker | August 5, 2017The Government will financially damage environment groups by stripping away their tax-deductibility status while ...
Santos, coal seam gas and the disappearing $2 billionBy Rod Campbell | August 2, 2017Researchers Tony Shields and Rod Campbell at The Australia Institute expose Santos' wilful and exaggerated ...
Pet aversion, the sequel: A Dog’s BreakfastBy Michael West | August 1, 2017It is not hard to pinpoint the time when customers became prey. For the energy sector that time was ...
Pet aversion: energy retailers in “savage dog” meter scamBy Sandi Keane | July 31, 2017Are you a dog owner and fed up with getting inflated “estimated” energy bills? Two weeks ago, our editor-in-chief, ...
Gas shortage! What gas shortage?By Bruce Robertson | June 30, 2017Gas Shortage? What shortage, asks IEEFA analyst Bruce Robertson in Part One of his analysis of who the big losers ...
Global warming’s huge and endless cost of rising seasBy Peter Boyer | June 28, 2017Protecting coastal infrastructures is just the beginning of our battle to survive the rising tide. Freelance ...
Corporate welfare Canavan calls for taxpayers to fund gas explorationBy Sandi Keane | June 21, 2017Matt Canavan is not only espousing a $1 billion taxpayer leg-up for Indian coal magnate Gautam Adani to build a ...
Climate doubt merchants and their self-inflicted blindnessBy Peter Boyer | June 18, 2017In recent years, the gulf between Coalition and Labor on anthropogenic global warming (AGW) has widened since ...
Adani embroiled in African corruption scandal via arms dealBy Michael West | June 13, 2017The Adani Group has become embroiled in a corruption scandal in South Africa after a series of leaked emails ...
John Quiggin on Adani’s thinking: Will we end up with a $1 billion black hole?By Sandi Keane | June 12, 2017Research economist, Professor John Quiggin, hypothesizes on Adani's "green light" to Carmichael. His likely ...
Adani white elephant hits another snag as GVK teeters at brinkBy Michael West | June 4, 2017Never was a white elephant so white ... and elephantine. Besides their empty cries that coal from Australia is ...
The Madhouse Effect: climate denial in Australia v the USBy David Schlosberg | August 25, 2017This latest article by David Schlosberg, University of Sydney, is part of an ongoing series from the Post-Truth ...
Coalition tries again to strip eco-charities of tax-deductibility statusBy Cam Walker | August 5, 2017The Government will financially damage environment groups by stripping away their tax-deductibility status while ...
Santos, coal seam gas and the disappearing $2 billionBy Rod Campbell | August 2, 2017Researchers Tony Shields and Rod Campbell at The Australia Institute expose Santos' wilful and exaggerated ...
Pet aversion, the sequel: A Dog’s BreakfastBy Michael West | August 1, 2017It is not hard to pinpoint the time when customers became prey. For the energy sector that time was ...
Pet aversion: energy retailers in “savage dog” meter scamBy Sandi Keane | July 31, 2017Are you a dog owner and fed up with getting inflated “estimated” energy bills? Two weeks ago, our editor-in-chief, ...
Gas shortage! What gas shortage?By Bruce Robertson | June 30, 2017Gas Shortage? What shortage, asks IEEFA analyst Bruce Robertson in Part One of his analysis of who the big losers ...
Global warming’s huge and endless cost of rising seasBy Peter Boyer | June 28, 2017Protecting coastal infrastructures is just the beginning of our battle to survive the rising tide. Freelance ...
Corporate welfare Canavan calls for taxpayers to fund gas explorationBy Sandi Keane | June 21, 2017Matt Canavan is not only espousing a $1 billion taxpayer leg-up for Indian coal magnate Gautam Adani to build a ...
Climate doubt merchants and their self-inflicted blindnessBy Peter Boyer | June 18, 2017In recent years, the gulf between Coalition and Labor on anthropogenic global warming (AGW) has widened since ...
Adani embroiled in African corruption scandal via arms dealBy Michael West | June 13, 2017The Adani Group has become embroiled in a corruption scandal in South Africa after a series of leaked emails ...
John Quiggin on Adani’s thinking: Will we end up with a $1 billion black hole?By Sandi Keane | June 12, 2017Research economist, Professor John Quiggin, hypothesizes on Adani's "green light" to Carmichael. His likely ...
Adani white elephant hits another snag as GVK teeters at brinkBy Michael West | June 4, 2017Never was a white elephant so white ... and elephantine. Besides their empty cries that coal from Australia is ...