The IPA, Tucker Carlson and Murdoch media plot to keep coal and gas burningBy Michael West | July 10, 2024Spearheaded by the IPA, Murdoch media and Trump cheerleader Tucker Carlson the far-right is keeping the culture ...
Whole Nine Yards: Albanese government fossil project tally rises to 9By Zacharias Szumer | June 26, 2024The Albanese government has now approved or extended at least nine fossil fuel projects and two carbon capture ...
Bring our yer Dead! Amid nuke hype Tanya Plibersek approves Gina Rinehart’s gas pipelineBy Rod Campbell | June 20, 2024While Australia goes crazy over the Coalition's nuclear hype, the Federal Environment Department, led by Minister ...
Talking the Talk: Dutton dumps climate commitment, Labor speaks with forked tongueBy Rex Patrick | June 9, 2024Peter Dutton's Coalition is abandoning Australia's climate targets while new FOI data show Labor's fossil fuel ...
The Other Budget: Labor staring down the barrel of a climate deficitBy David McEwen | May 13, 2024The latest news on emissions is not good. The annual climate update was buried by other news, notably the climate ...
Modular Reactors. Peter Dutton hasn’t done his nuclear homeworkBy Rex Patrick | April 16, 2024Is Peter Dutton’s proposed ‘rollout’ of modular nuclear reactors real policy or just politics? What research has ...
Empire building in the Beetaloo, funded by Federal Government gas grantsBy Kim Wingerei | February 28, 2024Has Empire Energy been given Research & Development grants in preparation for fracking in the Beetaolo Basin, ...
Vision 2024: aim to “make Australia a better quarry” … and a CO2 dumpBy Rex Patrick | February 13, 2024Successive governments have been happy to have Australia as the world’s quarry. But now there's an additional role ...
Why is CSIRO hiding its advice on Carbon Capture and Storage?By Rex Patrick | February 2, 2024Australia's peak science body CSIRO has refused to disclose its advice on Carbon Capture and Storage technology. ...
Shock report finds legacy car companies are bigger polluters than Big OilBy Daniel Bleakley | February 1, 2024A damning new report has found car manufacturers are significantly underestimating the lifetime emissions of their ...
Climate Betrayal: how backroom deals with Japan locked Australia in for decades of gasBy Rex Patrick and Philip Dorling | January 29, 2024Despite the Australian public voting for the need to address climate change, the Labor government has backed in ...
Race of the Century: Australia is in the box seat on climate and finance, here is the blueprint for victoryBy Tim Buckley and Blair Palese | January 23, 2024The global energy transition is the race of this century. The rewards are enormous. The risks too. This is an ...
The IPA, Tucker Carlson and Murdoch media plot to keep coal and gas burningBy Michael West | July 10, 2024Spearheaded by the IPA, Murdoch media and Trump cheerleader Tucker Carlson the far-right is keeping the culture ...
Whole Nine Yards: Albanese government fossil project tally rises to 9By Zacharias Szumer | June 26, 2024The Albanese government has now approved or extended at least nine fossil fuel projects and two carbon capture ...
Bring our yer Dead! Amid nuke hype Tanya Plibersek approves Gina Rinehart’s gas pipelineBy Rod Campbell | June 20, 2024While Australia goes crazy over the Coalition's nuclear hype, the Federal Environment Department, led by Minister ...
Talking the Talk: Dutton dumps climate commitment, Labor speaks with forked tongueBy Rex Patrick | June 9, 2024Peter Dutton's Coalition is abandoning Australia's climate targets while new FOI data show Labor's fossil fuel ...
The Other Budget: Labor staring down the barrel of a climate deficitBy David McEwen | May 13, 2024The latest news on emissions is not good. The annual climate update was buried by other news, notably the climate ...
Modular Reactors. Peter Dutton hasn’t done his nuclear homeworkBy Rex Patrick | April 16, 2024Is Peter Dutton’s proposed ‘rollout’ of modular nuclear reactors real policy or just politics? What research has ...
Empire building in the Beetaloo, funded by Federal Government gas grantsBy Kim Wingerei | February 28, 2024Has Empire Energy been given Research & Development grants in preparation for fracking in the Beetaolo Basin, ...
Vision 2024: aim to “make Australia a better quarry” … and a CO2 dumpBy Rex Patrick | February 13, 2024Successive governments have been happy to have Australia as the world’s quarry. But now there's an additional role ...
Why is CSIRO hiding its advice on Carbon Capture and Storage?By Rex Patrick | February 2, 2024Australia's peak science body CSIRO has refused to disclose its advice on Carbon Capture and Storage technology. ...
Shock report finds legacy car companies are bigger polluters than Big OilBy Daniel Bleakley | February 1, 2024A damning new report has found car manufacturers are significantly underestimating the lifetime emissions of their ...
Climate Betrayal: how backroom deals with Japan locked Australia in for decades of gasBy Rex Patrick and Philip Dorling | January 29, 2024Despite the Australian public voting for the need to address climate change, the Labor government has backed in ...
Race of the Century: Australia is in the box seat on climate and finance, here is the blueprint for victoryBy Tim Buckley and Blair Palese | January 23, 2024The global energy transition is the race of this century. The rewards are enormous. The risks too. This is an ...