Kerry Brewster

Kerry Brewster is a Walkley-award winning investigative journalist and documentary maker. A former ABC Lateline reporter, she investigated water corruption issues. She has also produced and directed independent documentary films, including “Demons at Drivetime”, which won the Dendy award for Best Australian documentary and the ABC TV series "Our Boys".
Barnaby Joyce signed off $80m for Angus Taylor’s old company after zero was paid for same sort of water nearby

Barnaby Joyce signed off $80m for Angus Taylor’s old company after zero was paid for same sort of water nearby

Same water, same valuer, $80m and nought. The same type of water licences for irrigation properties near those for ...
Barnaby’s Boondoggle: documents reveal $80m price for ‘Watergate’ licences was nearly twice valuation

Barnaby’s Boondoggle: documents reveal $80m price for ‘Watergate’ licences was nearly twice valuation

The Coalition paid the tax haven-linked Eastern Australia Agriculture nearly double what independent valuers ...

Don't pay so you can read it. Pay so everyone can!

Don't pay so you can read it.
Pay so everyone can!

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