Noel Wauchope

Noel Wauchope is a long time campaigner against nuclear power. For the past twelve years, she has been running websites, the and
IKEA it ain’t: don’t go looking for friendly nuclear option, no matter the spin

IKEA it ain’t: don’t go looking for friendly nuclear option, no matter the spin

Despite the Murdoch media hype over small nuclear reactors as a solution for Australia's "clean energy" future, ...
Nuclear lobby takes aim at Victoria to tackle prohibitions

Nuclear lobby takes aim at Victoria to tackle prohibitions

Having dithered on real action to tackle global warming, some in the Coalition are now taking a keen interest in ...
What’s more chilling: watching Chernobyl or cogitating the cost of going nuclear?

What’s more chilling: watching Chernobyl or cogitating the cost of going nuclear?

The sudden push by Murdoch media and Coalition right-wingers to overturn the nuclear power ban ignores the ...
Reactorvated: new nuke push ramps up

Reactorvated: new nuke push ramps up

The global giants of nuclear power are in disarray. As Westinghouse Electric, Toshiba, AREVA struggle in the wake ...

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Don't pay so you can read it.
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