Grave dithering: control of Sydney’s billion-dollar graveyards still up for grabs as election loomsBy Callum Foote | January 11, 2023The fight for control of Sydney's priceless graveyards rolls on as the powerful Catholic lobby gets the green ...
The dog ate my Cabinet document: Christian Porter’s vanishing rorts adviceBy Rex Patrick | January 10, 2023First a Morrison government whitewash, next disappearing advice from former Attorney-General Christian Porter. On ...
Dear US Congress, thank you for saving Australia from itselfBy Rex Patrick | January 7, 2023Is "bad news" out of US Congress about an AUKUS nuclear submarine deal a blessing in disguise? Former submariner ...
How Defence chiefs committed Australian special forces to the US drug war in AfghanistanBy Stuart McCarthy | January 6, 2023What was the involvement of Australia's military top brass in alleged war crimes in Afghanistan? Stuart McCarthy, ...
The NSW government, the feds, the Caymans, and Australia’s worst privatisation unveiledBy Michael West | January 5, 2023Forking out $1.2bn to build a hospital then flogging it for zero must surely make the NSW government the most ...
The tragic death of Joshua Gill a failure of the systemBy Michael West | January 4, 2023In the early hours August 15, 2021, a 14 year old boy Joshua Gill was burned alive in a car not far from his home ...
Annastacia Palaszczuk leaves Perrottet and NSW in the dust on coal super profitsBy Michael West | January 3, 2023Will Dominic Perrottet and Chris Minns "do a Palaszczuk" and hike coal royalties on multinationals now reaping ...
A lifetime of fraud: Donald Trump’s blatant tax swindles unveiledBy David Cay Johnston | January 1, 2023Donald Trump knowingly committed dozens of brazen tax frauds during the six years when he ran for office and was ...
Fossocracy Australia: government of the people, by the fossil fuel companies for the fossil fuel companiesBy Michael West and Callum Foote | December 30, 2022Public subsidies for coal plants are merely the icing on the cake of a triumphant year for multinational fossil ...
Foreign fossil fuel juggernauts dominate the annual MWM Top 40 Tax Dodgers chartBy Callum Foote | December 28, 2022It’s a post-Christmas feast. We are rolling out the Top 40 Tax Dodgers, the crème de la crème of Australia's ...
A cry from the regions: media dominated by billionaires and corporations is not journalismBy Andrew Chambers | December 28, 2022This submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Regional Newspapers by Broome journalist Andrew Chambers was ...
Message Massage: are political operatives manipulating elderly voters in nursing homes?By Dr Sarah Russell | December 27, 2022Aged care homes and retirement villages are being targeted to harvest votes from Australia's elderly. Is it ...
Killing chickens to show monkeys: why it’s vital to protect whistleblowers, not persecute themBy Tony Watson | December 26, 2022Lawyer and Lendlease tax-fraud whistleblower Anthony Watson writes on Australia's whistleblower laws and why ...
Dumb Ways to Buy: Defence “shambles” unveiled – former submariner and senator Rex PatrickBy Rex Patrick | December 26, 2022"The AUKUS nuclear submarine project will bleed the Australian Defence Force white", on top of the billions in ...
Josh and Scott deliver Goldman Sachs the giant vampire squid a giant quidBy Callum Foote and Michael West | December 24, 2022Josh Frydenberg as treasurer and secret treasurer Scott Morrison made a motza for foreign vulture funds in last ...