Is PwC caught up in Scale Facilitation’s alleged $150 million tax fraud?By Sean Johnson | August 7, 2023Scale Facilitation is in default in its takeover of Britishvolt. After a crime taskforce raid in Australia and ...
Young Nats denied a voice on The Voice: try and understand it, dare youBy Steph Preston | August 6, 2023Struggling for membership, the National Party and its junior counterparts in the New South Wales Young Nationals ...
Native forest logging may be near the end thanks to historic court decisions, ‘Precautionary Principle’By Suzanne Arnold | August 5, 2023Due more to the courts than politicians, native forest logging may be nearing an end. Recent court judgements in ...
Shine Justice in a dark place as shares tumble on pelvic mesh judgementBy Michael West | August 4, 2023Should law firms even be publicly listed, where they might serve the interests of their shareholders before their ...
The Haffelganger: Medical Research Fund fee-fest foreshadows Labor form on Housing FundBy Michael West | August 2, 2023As Labor and the Greens play 'double-dissolution chicken' over the Housing Affordability Future Fund (HAFF), it's ...
The Lucky Investor Country: if the RBA has a conundrum, spare a thought for the ACCCBy Michael West | August 1, 2023Why are foreign investors so attracted to Australia? Why is the ASX being hollowed out by takeovers? A UBS ...
Plibersek Pressure: extend a $13bil dud, or deliver Murray Darling Basin Plan 2.0?By Rex Patrick | July 31, 2023The Murray-Darling Basin Plan has less than 12 months to run. Everyone accepts the objectives of the Plan will not ...
Ganjar Interview: Indonesia’s next President will never dye, but wants closer ties with AustraliaBy Duncan Graham | July 30, 2023Ganjar Pranowo, the civilian administrator, corruption fighter and sometime porn connoisseur, has some high ...
Report claims super funds are lying to their members on climate riskBy Zacharias Szumer | July 28, 2023A climate report from Aussie pension fund UniSuper caused a stir. Buried in the pages of "Climate Risks and Our ...
Yes to Kathryn Campbell’s plum job Prime Minister, but why?By Rex Patrick | July 28, 2023Prime Minister Anthony Albanese signed off on Kathryn Campbell’s termination on June 21, 2022, the day before he ...
PwC and the Adani mine triple dip. A conflict of interest? Surely notBy Rod Campbell | July 27, 2023Consulting firm PwC pulled off a remarkable feat as Adani pushed to open its Carmichael Coal Mine -- it got paid ...
Who’s been smoking what?By Rex Patrick | July 25, 2023When the ABC broke the story in March that the Legalise Cannabis Party had made it onto the list of approved ...
Cemetery Wars: Chris Minns faces an $800m black hole in the NSW state budgetBy Callum Foote | July 24, 2023Sydney is running out of burial space and the newish government of Chris Minns faces an $800m black hole in NSW ...
Dutton’s Nuclear Folly: Small Modular Reactors a political mirageBy Rex Patrick | July 23, 2023As Peter Dutton talks up nuclear power, it is not surprising to see Andrew Liveris shifting his pitch from a ‘gas ...
EY in public eye: Dan Andrews backs expert on Grand Prix, rejects expert on Commonwealth GamesBy Callum Foote | July 22, 2023A report by Big 4 consultants EY was used to justify the case for the Commonwealth Games. Another report by EY was ...