Modular Reactors. Peter Dutton hasn’t done his nuclear homeworkBy Rex Patrick | April 16, 2024Is Peter Dutton’s proposed ‘rollout’ of modular nuclear reactors real policy or just politics? What research has ...
Mable the “Uber of the NDIS”. Are digital care platforms keeping clients safe?By Zacharias Szumer | April 15, 2024Digital care platforms like Mable are seeking to bring higher levels of efficiency, choice and control to the ...
“An Awkward Problem”: Julian Assange and the Australian dog that didn’t barkBy Philip Dorling and Rex Patrick | April 13, 2024Joe Biden says he’s “considering” an end to the prosecution of Julian Assange. Anthony Albanese says, “enough is ...
Australia’s Border Farce. Stops a boat, ignores the planeloads, targets the 0.05%By Duncan Graham | April 12, 2024Last week, Australian Border Force deployed one hundred officers to detain a dozen asylum seekers on the Kimberley ...
Orwell revisited. Transparency sucked down the electronic memory hole of disappearing messagesBy Rex Patrick | April 11, 2024Government officials are using disappearing text messages to circumvent scrutiny, threatening transparency and ...
Too good to be true? The unravelling of Lendlease, and the big hit to comeBy Michael West | April 10, 2024Lendlease ‘smoke and mirrors’ corporate shenanigans have come home to roost but there is still at least one big ...
McBride, Binskin and the Keystone Cops – culture of cover-ups now Zomi Frankcom investigationBy Stuart McCarthy | April 10, 2024Defence boss turned weapons company director Mark Binskin led the 'Keystone Cops' task-force associated with ...
Propaganda Blitzkrieg: Israel followed Australia’s textbook on how to respond to war crimes allegationsBy Stuart McCarthy | April 8, 2024"The IDF three-day information operation had the same precision, tempo and effectiveness as the initial kinetic ...
Foreign bribery law amendments – big stick or wet lettuce leaf?By Duncan Graham | April 7, 2024Seven years in the making, Parliament recently passed amendments to the Criminal Code Act that cover foreign ...
Spies Like Us: why the Government is still backing Woodside over Timor-LesteBy Rex Patrick | April 5, 2024Two decades after the Howard Government spied on Timor-Leste’s seabed boundary negotiating team, the Albanese ...
Songbirds and snakes. How to end the ‘Hunger Games’ of housing affordabilityBy Harry Chemay | April 3, 2024In this final instalment of the Housing Hunger Games series, Harry Chemay identifies all policy culprits and all ...
Censors Enthroned: the Misinformation and Disinformation BillBy Binoy Kampmark | April 3, 2024Should the government decide what news is appropriate, and what is not, for its people? "The sirens should be ...
Fake news or no news? The folly of the News Media Bargaining CodeBy Kim Wingerei | April 2, 2024Meta's announcement that Facebook will no longer pay (some) Australian publishers for their news content has again ...
No justice, and nowhere to go for the victims of Myanmar’s forgotten genocideBy Farah Abdurahman | April 1, 2024The holocaust in Gaza has eclipsed the long-standing genocide of the Rohingya people of Myanmar, 569 of whom died ...
Investigation: powerbroker Mark Leibler and Australia’s Zionist connections with Israel’s defence webBy Jommy Tee | March 31, 2024Australia giving Israel's bomb-maker Elbit Systems a $917m defence contract is just the latest in a long history ...