What do you think the arms trade is, a charity? Actually yes, that’s what it isBy Callum Foote | October 7, 2022All’s not fair at the warfare Expo, where taxpayer-funded arms merchants hobnob with military types by invitation ...
They didn’t know, really? Pursue top brass over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, says veteranBy Stuart McCarthy | October 5, 2022"The 'we didn't know' narrative has always been ridiculous." The Army's top brass must be held accountable for ...
Power, corruption and lies: time for the NACC attackBy Stephen Charles | October 5, 2022The only substantial flaw in the NACC’s design is the requirement for exceptional circumstances to be met to ...
Will a body with teeth bite off more than we can chew?By Mark Sawyer | October 5, 2022The federal integrity watchdog offers hope to an end to corruption in federal politics, but there may be some ...
Gold-plated Rorters: power users gouged $10bn as big suppliers sobbed crocodile tearsBy Mark Sawyer | October 5, 2022Electricity consumers have paid much higher bills than necessary for ‘‘poles and wires’’, gifting $10 billion to ...
Banned: MWM too ‘aggressive’ for the merchants of death but we won’t shut upBy Callum Foote | October 4, 2022The weapons expo Land Forces has begun its conference in Brisbane. Critical attention is not welcomed, but MWM is there.
War Powers Reform: those in favour say aye … or maybe “no comment”By Alison Broinowski | October 2, 2022True to its word, the Albanese government has announced an inquiry into War Powers. Dr Alison Broinowski looks at ...
Should one man decide on war? Labor declares inquiry into War Powers reformBy Michael West | October 1, 2022Is it good enough that one man makes the call to send Australian troops to war? Labor has come good on its ...
Run of Luck: systemic money-laundering, disgrace, then pay rises for Star casino directorsBy Michael Sainsbury | September 30, 2022Star Entertainment has this week prostrated itself. The company grovelled to maintain its licence to operate its ...
“Massive achievement” but is the NACC anti-corruption commission missing some teeth?By Callum Foote | September 29, 2022Callum Foote garners expert legal opinion on Australia's National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) draft ...
NACC or SNACC? Labor delivers its anti-corruption body but will we get to hear about it?By Callum Foote | September 27, 2022The day has finally arrived: an Australian government today made good on its commitment to legislate an integrity ...
AUKUS was a tough sell already, and now it seems local industry will miss outBy Rex Patrick | September 26, 2022When Australia signed up to the AUKUS pact, it committed to enormously expensive nuclear-powered submarines. And ...
Pokies Thuggery: ClubsNSW lobbyists hammer critics, hide their own dirty laundryBy Michael West | September 26, 2022ClubsNSW is dragging a dying man through the courts, and media identity Friendly Jordies too, but its own house is ...
Angst over corruption watchdog, first Queen’s death, now fear of Dutton dealBy Callum Foote | September 23, 2022News that Labor is in talks with Peter Dutton over the looming Federal Integrity Commission laws have sparked ...
Telling us what we want to hear – Big Tech’s privacy liesBy Manal al-Sharif | September 23, 2022Every time an advertiser pays Big Tech for an ad in your social media feed, your data is the selling point. The ...