Flaps up and blinkers on: politicians happy with the unknown unknowns of fighting warBy Zacharias Szumer | October 27, 2022When it comes to the powers vested in politicians to send Australians to war, the major parties wilfully ignore ...
Jim Chalmers brings a Budget potpourri: something for everyone, the fossil fuel lobby tooBy Callum Foote | October 26, 2022The "Potpourri Budget" has something in it for everyone, including the fossil fuel lobby which has attracted ...
Rex Patrick: has the Australian Senate lost its mojo?By Rex Patrick | October 25, 2022The Senate has greater powers than a royal commission yet in recent years its authority has declined amid refusals ...
Academics strike as wage theft spreads, uni executive salaries soarBy Michael Sainsbury | October 25, 2022Academics at five Queensland universities walked off the job last week and held a rally in Brisbane to protest ...
Takes the plunge: Tanya Plibersek releases roadmap to fix Australia’s water trading wreckBy Stuart Kells and Scott Hamilton | October 24, 2022Water Minister Tanya Plibersek has released the "Roadmap" document accepting Australia's water trading markets are ...
Gaming the Machine: pokies bosses to sign up politicians Perrottet and Minns for another 4 yearsBy Callum Foote | October 22, 2022Security guards for the powerful pokies lobby threw reporter Callum Foote out of the ClubsNSW annual meeting ...
SNACC or NACC? What will be made public by the new anti-corruption commission?By Michael West | October 21, 2022Christian Porter's blind trust, Barnaby Joyce’s $32,000 a day expenses as Drought Envoy, Angus Taylor’s Cayman ...
Greenwashed: how the new “Middle Arm” fossil fuel hub was rebranded greenBy Callum Foote | October 20, 2022They have dubbed it "sustainable", about "clean energy industries" and "environmentally sustainable ...
Prescription CheckTheFactsicillin: $8bn Medicare fraud exhibits symptoms of HyperbolizosisBy Callum Foote | October 18, 2022Editors at Nine Entertainment and the ABC have been diagnosed with Acute Journo's Ear Syndrome and CranioRectal ...
One up on Barnaby: government delivers Coalition election promise for port, petrochemicals, gas subsidiesBy Michael West | October 18, 2022Albanese government out Barnabys-Barnaby with a big Budget gift for its fossil fuel donors to build the Middle Arm ...
Judgement day is coming for Sports Rorts, other Coalition grants schemesBy Vince O'Grady | October 17, 2022"Sports Rorts" and assorted grants schemes manipulated for political gains by the former Coalition government are ...
Prime Minister’s department ordered to come clean on Sports Rorts cover-upBy Rex Patrick | October 15, 2022The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has been ordered to hand over the Gaetjens Report into the Sports ...
A bunch of shifting bastards: how Big Tech goes small on taxBy Callum Foote | October 14, 2022A new report has revealed how the tech giant Microsoft avoids paying tax on more than $5 billion of revenue in ...
Half a million squandered by Information Commissioner on frustrating public’s right to knowBy Michael West | October 13, 2022The cost of the Information Commissioner’s freedom-of-information fight against Rex Patrick has hit half a million ...
Scraping the bottom of the barrel in assault on privacyBy Callum Foote | October 12, 2022FinTech companies in Australia are scraping and selling users' sensitive banking data in breach of privacy regulation.