Labor’s first mistake? No windfall tax on oil and gasBy Callum Foote | June 10, 2022The new Labor government has ruled out a UK style windfall profits tax on the oil and gas sector as the industry ...
Casino boogie: meet the new boss, as effective as the old boss?By Mark Sawyer | June 9, 2022The people of Victoria and NSW should be celebrating this brisk winter night. The US investment house chasing ...
O Lucky Man? Albo out to break the Labor hoodooBy Mark Sawyer | June 8, 2022The ALP has held the reins of government for less than a third of the time in Australia’s history. And the party ...
Assange is still in jail – what can the new government do?By Greg Barns | June 7, 2022UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has to decide whether or not to sign off on Assange's extradition to the US by the ...
Patchy Connections: NBN Co rivals on the rise, Elon Musk and Amazon too, as debt mountsBy Kim Wingerei | June 5, 2022The previous Government spent an additional $12 billion on the National Broadband Network (NBN) compared to the ...
A voice for Timor and whistleblowers keeps up the good fightBy Callum Foote | June 2, 2022Rex Patrick has urged the new Attorney-General and Foreign Minister to heal relations with East Timor soured by ...
Australia’s gun lobby glosses over Texas school massacre, presses ahead with arms agendaBy Callum Foote | June 1, 2022The shooting at a Texas primary school which resulted in the death of 19 children demonstrates the power of the US ...