Cruelty for Votes: new migration laws criminalise refugeesBy Alison Battisson | December 9, 2024Among the 30 bills elbowed through in the Parliamentary rush were 3 bills agreed by the Government and Opposition ...
On time delivery: Albo and the AUKUS WatchBy Rex Patrick | December 8, 2024It’s a $368B project getting deserved criticism, with a new negative angle hitting the press almost daily. But in ...
Mortgage mountain. Our $2.3 trillion debt and the ‘Big 4’ oligopoly.By Harry Chemay | December 7, 2024Australians owe $2.3 trillion in mortgage debt, three-quarters of which is owed to the Big 4 banks, a cosy ...
Data Rats. Commbank, Woolworths, Aussie Home Loans and WebCentral all in the mixBy Andy Schmulow | December 6, 2024Spam is endemic to everyone's email inbox. Some of Australia's biggest companies have been caught and fined, yet ...
Damned if you do: Jim Chalmers cops the blame for no recessionBy Michael Pascoe | December 5, 2024Government spending is keeping Australia out of recession, just, as this week's feeble GDP numbers tallied 7 ...
The Bali Five are sweating on a deal but one doesn’t want to leave his wifeBy Duncan Graham | December 5, 2024Indonesia and Australia are preparing to ink a deal to send the remaining five of the 'Bali Nine' back to ...
Report conflates Australia’s ‘wave of antisemitism’ with Israel war criticsBy Yaakov Aharon | December 4, 2024Antisemitic or anti-Zionist? The Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s (ECAJ) report claims a 316% rise in ...
Fuel security. What happens if the bowsers start to run dry?By Rex Patrick | December 3, 2024Will the government save in a fuel security emergency? After a long FOI fight, the Federal Government's plan has ...
‘Resting bulldog face’. PwC boss has feelings hurt in midst of lawyer festBy Marcus Reubenstein | December 2, 2024With ex-partners suing them, the parliament grilling them, the government firing them, the AFP investigating them, ...
Green Guillotine: how politics prevailed over principles in legislative avalancheBy Rex Patrick | December 1, 2024On Thursday 32 Bills passed in the Senate in an abrogation of the chamber's role as the chamber of scrutiny - and ...
Lone Soldiers. New Australian IDF recruits due to arrive in Israel in JanuaryBy Yaakov Aharon | November 30, 2024Despite it being illegal to recruit soldiers for foreign armies, IDF commissioned recruiters are hard at work ...
Carbon capture con. Giant Gorgon project captures less emissions than everBy Zacharias Szumer | November 29, 2024A prominent energy economics research body says the world’s largest carbon capture and storage project is ...
Climate protesters arrested outside Parliament, banned from the groundsBy Wendy Bacon | November 28, 2024Hundreds of climate protestors disrupted the last sitting week of the Federal Parliament on Wednesday, with 24 of ...
Empty tanks and bare shelves. Australia’s fuel and supply security exposedBy Rex Patrick | November 28, 2024Australia's supply security in the event of a crisis goes way beyond toilet paper hoarding. And the Government ...
Mortgage nation. The ‘wealth effect’ that drives big bank’s super profits.By Harry Chemay | November 27, 2024Australia's big banks are some of the most profitable in the world, while Australians are some of the most ...