Revealed: 239 million reasons gambling reforms are being smotheredBy Rex Patrick | October 9, 2024Freedom of Information disclosures show the government favours Big Media and Big Gambling in lobbying battle to ...
Privatisation: is the jury really still out after 30 years?By Michael West | October 8, 2024Privatisation in Australia has been a gigantic transfer of public wealth into private hands. Michael West address ...
Shredders and dustpans. Mark Dreyfus’ desperate sweep on taxpayersBy Rex Patrick | October 6, 2024Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus looks to spend thousands more of taxpayers’ dollars to appeal a Full Federal Court ...
Own Goal: Middle East war to hit oil price, so gas price, so electricity priceBy Rex Patrick | October 6, 2024Years of political and bureaucratic failure on fuel security is about to hit the cost of living for all ...
Hardman Netanyahu a century out of date, feeding Dutton’s colonial narrative.By Michael Pascoe | October 5, 2024There was a time when Netanyahu’s tactics would go unquestioned. That time helps explain those who continue to ...
Ties that bind. Australians who serve the Israeli war machineBy Andra Jackson | October 3, 2024According to PM Albanese and Foreign Minister Wong, "Australia is not a central player in the [Middle East] ...
Who benefits from negative gearing? Hint: probably not you.By Harry Chemay | October 2, 2024A new release by the Parliamentary Budget Office has shed further light on which taxpayers benefit most from ...
Is Ticketek fleecing Australian artists, audiences, for the Caymans and California?By Callum Foote and Joshua Barnett | October 2, 2024Do Australia’s live artists, venues and concert-goers benefit from the rising domination of Ticketek and its ...
Cone of Silence. Government hides gas Cartel’s dirty secrets in Clayton Utz fee-festBy Rex Patrick | October 1, 2024The Government did not want you to know of its gas betrayal of Australians, so when FOI legal costs shot up ...
Revealed: Peter Dutton’s campaign to kill Labor’s multinational tax reformsBy Mark Zirnsak | September 30, 2024Opposition leader Peter Dutton is trying to kill off Labor's multinational tax avoidance reforms, already watered ...
Same Job, Lame Pay: BHP and the black coal wage swindleBy Michael West | September 30, 2024Coal miner Simon Turner was recovering from a broken back when the penny dropped. He was victim of a ...
Dynamic ticket pricing: Aussie concert fans hit by Live Nation’s ‘In Demand’ cash grabBy Joshua Barnett | September 27, 2024Dynamic pricing has played its way into the Australian live music scene, courtesy of Live Nation and its ...
Labor’s hat-trick: three coal mine approvals in one dayBy Zacharias Szumer | September 25, 2024The Albanese government has now approved or extended at least twelve fossil fuel projects and two carbon capture ...
Tipping point? Documents reveal failed duty of care for Australian nuclear test participantsBy Sue Rabbitt Roff | September 24, 2024The fall-out from nuclear bomb tests in Australia in the fifties continues as more documents are revealed of ...
Conflicted? Australia’s war crimes adviser at The Hague gets a paid gig from A-G and Foreign AffairsBy Stuart McCarthy | September 23, 2024Australia's Special Advisor to International Criminal Court was given $50k for war crimes advice “settled” by the ...