Richard Marles’ Indonesia trip – trust us, we’re from the Land Down Under and mean you no harmBy Duncan Graham | March 2, 2024Despite Australia's much-touted border force efficiency and our 'shared collective security' cooperation with ...
Advance Australia – the covert PO Box lobby and the Dunkley disinformation campaignBy Anthony Klan | March 1, 2024Disinformation group Advance Australia has been pouring advertising money into supporting the Liberals in the ...
Truth or Lies? The facts on Australia’s weapons exports to Israel … and the riskBy Monika Sarder | February 28, 2024Rising calls for the Australian Government to confess to supplying weapons to Israel, which is on trial for ...
Empire building in the Beetaloo, funded by Federal Government gas grantsBy Kim Wingerei | February 28, 2024Has Empire Energy been given Research & Development grants in preparation for fracking in the Beetaolo Basin, ...
Betting London to a Bricklet: colourful Giuseppe Porcelli strives for ASX share market hero status againBy Michael West | February 27, 2024Getting control of a share market company is the holy grail for an entrepreneur; it means deep pools of other ...
Heat is on to put Sydney’s privatised Cayman Islands hospital back in public handsBy Michael West | February 26, 2024Is the Cayman Islands-controlled operator of the Northern Beaches Hospital overcharging the government for public ...
Mike Pezzullo. The demise of a Canberra’s “most powerful, divisive, and yet indestructible bureaucrat”By Philip Dorling and Rex Patrick | February 25, 2024The not-so-distinguished service of former Secretary of Home Affairs Mike Pezzullo ended in a blaze of ignominy, ...
Mable, the Uber of care work. Innovation or a race to the bottom?By Zacharias Szumer | February 24, 2024Digital disruption has come to the disability and aged care sectors with mixed reviews. The digital economy and ...
Serious monkey business. The animal cruelty in our midst.By Robyn Kirby | February 23, 2024On a quiet tree-lined road in rural Victoria is a large primate breeding and research facility. To all, apart from ...
Subs, frigates and other vessels. Don’t drink the minister’s navy shipbuilding KoolaidBy Rex Patrick | February 20, 2024Defence Minister Richard Marles is hoping today’s announcement about the restructuring of the Royal Australian ...
Last chance for Julian Assange. It is time for Albanese to put his words into action.By Greg Barns | February 19, 2024Last week, Parliament voted overwhelmingly for a motion to end the Julian Assange case. This week, he is in the ...
Peter Dutton’s India escape and the secret meetings with the colourful coal baronBy Rex Patrick and Philip Dorling | February 18, 2024Last November, at the time the Coalition were furiously bashing ‘Airbus Albo’ for his penchant for overseas ...
Indonesia elects a new President – more of the same or back to the past?By Duncan Graham | February 15, 2024Close to 60% of Indonesians voted for Prabowo Subianto as their new President. It's a surprisingly big win where ...
Doxing hypocrisy: pro-peace doctors doxed en masseBy Farah Abdurahman | February 14, 2024Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is moving to criminalise doxing after the 'Z600 breach', which saw the names of ...
The Big Four accountants and the $480 billion global tax evasion industryBy Adam Lucas and James Guthrie | February 14, 2024PwC and the Big 4 have been in full defence mode before the Senate's inquiry into consultants, and for good ...