Exxon claims it finally pays tax. Murdoch gushes. What’s the scam?By Michael West | May 3, 2022The scam is, after forking out not a cent of tax on $71bn of income over 7 years, oil and gas cheats ExxonMobil ...
HESTA bosses hiding as KKR “Barbarians” pounce on Australia’s hospitalsBy Michael West | May 2, 2022Debbie Blakey, chief executive of HESTA and its $68bn in health sector savings, is doing a $20bn takeover bid but ...
Another 72 Australian hospitals off to a tax haven? What’s the scam?By Michael West | April 20, 2022Private equity vultures KKR are close to pitching a $20bn takeover bid for Australia's largest private healthcare ...
Government’s largesse now Telstra’s mess. What’s the scam?By Kim Wingerei | April 6, 2022After the much lauded "strategic coup" helping Telstra strike a deal to buy Pacific telco Digicel in November last ...
Fossil fuel subsidies soar past disaster relief, even public schools funding. What’s the scam?By Michael West | March 28, 2022Hand-outs to coal and gas multinationals soared to $11.6b last year, or $22k per minute, a multiple of disaster ...
Crown found “unsuitable” laundering billions for Chinese Crime gangs. What’s the Scam?By Michael West | March 25, 2022The scam is that if you are a big money launderer for the Triads, better watch out, they might accuse you of ...
Almost $4m a year pay for a senior PwC partner, and rising. What’s the scam?By Michael West | March 15, 2022The scam is you are paying for it! Partners in the biggest of the Big 4, PwC, have been getting paid between $380k ...
Forward to the past: NSW to stop carbon ratings for major projects, coal mines: What’s the scam?By Callum Foote | March 7, 2022The NSW Government has revealed it will stop conducting merit assessments of the carbon footprint of new major ...
Santos has paid tax! What’s the scam?By Michael West | February 17, 2022The fossil fuel giants are making so much coin, it's getting tougher for them to wriggle out of income tax.
Sarina Russo – 1000x return on her Liberal Party donationBy Callum Foote | February 8, 2022Sarina Russo Job Access donated $60,500 to the Coalition in 2020-21 and received almost $80 million in government ...
Big 4 firms share record loot from government after another round of bribes (donations)By Michael West and Stephanie Tran | February 1, 2022It's no wonder the cost of government has never been higher, and bribes never cheaper, EY, PwC, KPMG and Deloitte, ...
Nine Entertainment pays the Liberal Party but why not Rupert?By Michael West and Stephanie Tran | February 1, 2022Peter Costello's Nine Entertainment paid $27,500 to the Liberal Party last year - and the Libs failed to declare ...
Exxon claims it finally pays tax. Murdoch gushes. What’s the scam?By Michael West | May 3, 2022The scam is, after forking out not a cent of tax on $71bn of income over 7 years, oil and gas cheats ExxonMobil ...
HESTA bosses hiding as KKR “Barbarians” pounce on Australia’s hospitalsBy Michael West | May 2, 2022Debbie Blakey, chief executive of HESTA and its $68bn in health sector savings, is doing a $20bn takeover bid but ...
Another 72 Australian hospitals off to a tax haven? What’s the scam?By Michael West | April 20, 2022Private equity vultures KKR are close to pitching a $20bn takeover bid for Australia's largest private healthcare ...
Government’s largesse now Telstra’s mess. What’s the scam?By Kim Wingerei | April 6, 2022After the much lauded "strategic coup" helping Telstra strike a deal to buy Pacific telco Digicel in November last ...
Fossil fuel subsidies soar past disaster relief, even public schools funding. What’s the scam?By Michael West | March 28, 2022Hand-outs to coal and gas multinationals soared to $11.6b last year, or $22k per minute, a multiple of disaster ...
Crown found “unsuitable” laundering billions for Chinese Crime gangs. What’s the Scam?By Michael West | March 25, 2022The scam is that if you are a big money launderer for the Triads, better watch out, they might accuse you of ...
Almost $4m a year pay for a senior PwC partner, and rising. What’s the scam?By Michael West | March 15, 2022The scam is you are paying for it! Partners in the biggest of the Big 4, PwC, have been getting paid between $380k ...
Forward to the past: NSW to stop carbon ratings for major projects, coal mines: What’s the scam?By Callum Foote | March 7, 2022The NSW Government has revealed it will stop conducting merit assessments of the carbon footprint of new major ...
Santos has paid tax! What’s the scam?By Michael West | February 17, 2022The fossil fuel giants are making so much coin, it's getting tougher for them to wriggle out of income tax.
Sarina Russo – 1000x return on her Liberal Party donationBy Callum Foote | February 8, 2022Sarina Russo Job Access donated $60,500 to the Coalition in 2020-21 and received almost $80 million in government ...
Big 4 firms share record loot from government after another round of bribes (donations)By Michael West and Stephanie Tran | February 1, 2022It's no wonder the cost of government has never been higher, and bribes never cheaper, EY, PwC, KPMG and Deloitte, ...
Nine Entertainment pays the Liberal Party but why not Rupert?By Michael West and Stephanie Tran | February 1, 2022Peter Costello's Nine Entertainment paid $27,500 to the Liberal Party last year - and the Libs failed to declare ...