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Kevin from Santos loves public hand-outs, loathes tax, lashes Labor’s little gas price limit as “Soviet”

by Callum Foote | Dec 16, 2022 | What's the scam?

Kevin Gallagher was paid $37m over five years, more than Santos booked in profits, while they paid zero tax, raked in $20bn income from government gas permits, and never complained once about the $50bn of public subsidies to the fossil fuel sector. What’s the scam?

The scam is that Santos boss Kevin has had an embarrassing hissy-fit, invoking Venezuela, Nigeria and a “Soviet-style” intervention by Labor to introduce timid gas price caps (at a high $12gj) which ease power bills for ordinary Australians but don’t touch the 80% of gas exported by Santos and other cartel members at all.

Not a peep from Kevin either and his corporate welfare cronies when the government was intervening to hand-out $2bn in subsidies to build Darwin’s Middle Arm gas port to help Kevin and co make millions from gas fracking in the Beetaloo Basin at the expense of the public and the planet.

Albo’s Energy Relief bill a big relief for the fossil fuel giants

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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