Distractions, distractions | Scam of the WeekBy Michael West | December 10, 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuG7yWzTZpI Mark Dreyfus, and 'Beta Male Albo' distractions are media scams of ...
Seven’s Bruce Lehrmann scam, rising emissions, Murray Darling | Scam of the WeekBy Michael West | December 2, 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS4rFiRvnUA The trial of Bruce Lehrmann, rising emissions, Murray Darling brawl, ...
Scam by Team Commbank ASIC & MSM goes sour | Scam of the WeekBy Michael West | November 26, 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqDeZvOHyzc CBA, Big Media and ASIC team up to take down bank victims advocate ...
Consumers made to pay for electricity networks super-profits. What’s the scam?By Kim Wingerei | November 24, 2023Australian electricity networks' supernormal profits of $11B, on top of 'normal' profits of $16B since 2014. In ...
The Dixon Advisory saga ends, with lawyers, accountants and government coffers to benefitBy Kim Wingerei | November 23, 2023The drawn-out saga of Dixon Advisory - the superannuation managers who enticed their clients into investment ...
Peter Dutton’s race-baiting | Scam of the WeekBy Michael West | November 19, 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWuUBfO4w8k The Coalition might be in La-La Land on Policy but they know exactly ...
Forest backflip. Minns junks native forests protection because … carbon credits, que?By Callum Foote | November 9, 2023The NSW government has confirmed it will no stop native logging. According to Premier Chris Minns, protecting ...
Yes. Optus is right, it’s not good enough. But outage points to deeper flaws.By Kim Wingerei | November 8, 2023Twelve months after Optus was hacked and exposed customer data in droves, it is back in the spotlight again for ...
Qantas shows how much it cares about its customers, sorry, shareholdersBy Kim Wingerei | November 3, 2023Qantas' AGM was a sombre affair, with Chairman Goyder and CEO Hudson being at pains to tell everyone how much they ...
Welcome to West Air – our latest flight of Qantas fancy!By Kim Wingerei | October 30, 2023Michael West Media will be starting an airline. We haven't set a date yet, nor do we have any planes, pilots or ...
Correction Paul Keating: AUKUS worse than just the “worst deal in all history”By Rex Patrick | October 23, 2023Paul Keating called AUKUS “the worst deal in all history”. As the project proceeds it’s becoming clear the former ...
Shine Justice – the law firm which breaks the law – bailed up by ASICBy Michael West | October 8, 2023Busted by ASIC for accounting shonkery and rebuked by the Court for duping its clients, what's the scam with law ...
Distractions, distractions | Scam of the WeekBy Michael West | December 10, 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuG7yWzTZpI Mark Dreyfus, and 'Beta Male Albo' distractions are media scams of ...
Seven’s Bruce Lehrmann scam, rising emissions, Murray Darling | Scam of the WeekBy Michael West | December 2, 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS4rFiRvnUA The trial of Bruce Lehrmann, rising emissions, Murray Darling brawl, ...
Scam by Team Commbank ASIC & MSM goes sour | Scam of the WeekBy Michael West | November 26, 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqDeZvOHyzc CBA, Big Media and ASIC team up to take down bank victims advocate ...
Consumers made to pay for electricity networks super-profits. What’s the scam?By Kim Wingerei | November 24, 2023Australian electricity networks' supernormal profits of $11B, on top of 'normal' profits of $16B since 2014. In ...
The Dixon Advisory saga ends, with lawyers, accountants and government coffers to benefitBy Kim Wingerei | November 23, 2023The drawn-out saga of Dixon Advisory - the superannuation managers who enticed their clients into investment ...
Peter Dutton’s race-baiting | Scam of the WeekBy Michael West | November 19, 2023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWuUBfO4w8k The Coalition might be in La-La Land on Policy but they know exactly ...
Forest backflip. Minns junks native forests protection because … carbon credits, que?By Callum Foote | November 9, 2023The NSW government has confirmed it will no stop native logging. According to Premier Chris Minns, protecting ...
Yes. Optus is right, it’s not good enough. But outage points to deeper flaws.By Kim Wingerei | November 8, 2023Twelve months after Optus was hacked and exposed customer data in droves, it is back in the spotlight again for ...
Qantas shows how much it cares about its customers, sorry, shareholdersBy Kim Wingerei | November 3, 2023Qantas' AGM was a sombre affair, with Chairman Goyder and CEO Hudson being at pains to tell everyone how much they ...
Welcome to West Air – our latest flight of Qantas fancy!By Kim Wingerei | October 30, 2023Michael West Media will be starting an airline. We haven't set a date yet, nor do we have any planes, pilots or ...
Correction Paul Keating: AUKUS worse than just the “worst deal in all history”By Rex Patrick | October 23, 2023Paul Keating called AUKUS “the worst deal in all history”. As the project proceeds it’s becoming clear the former ...
Shine Justice – the law firm which breaks the law – bailed up by ASICBy Michael West | October 8, 2023Busted by ASIC for accounting shonkery and rebuked by the Court for duping its clients, what's the scam with law ...