How Adidas and its auditors managed to file their accounts late for 16 yearsBy Michael West | May 7, 2016Investigating multinational tax abuses and shoddy compliance by the world's biggest companies is like shooting ...
The option of paying tax – or notBy Michael West | May 2, 2016American Express has now paid no net income tax in Australia in eight years. EBay persists with its financial ...
Net closing on corporate tax dodgingBy Michael West | April 22, 2016The Senate's final report into corporate tax avoidance was due today. Instead, the committee presiding over one of ...
Banks hold on advice challengedBy Michael West | April 18, 2016The stranglehold of the big banks and AMP over the nation's financial advice market is finally to meet a ...
Inquiries help shine a light, but rarely give rise to reformBy Michael West | April 2, 2016That astute observer of human affairs, SpongeBob SquarePants, once proclaimed, "I smell the smelly smell of ...
Macquarie’s junk yard dogs on the prowlBy Michael West | March 25, 2016There are no flies on those Macbankers. No sooner had they tapped taxpayers for help during the global financial ...
ATO’s private company list kicks up more questions about artistry of tax arrangementsBy Michael West | March 22, 2016The first thing to note about today's data dump from the Australian Taxation Office is the agility and innovation ...
The cat is out of the bag on corporate tax avoidanceBy Michael West | March 4, 2016You would have to have been ensconced in the jungles of Africa on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here to have ...
Corporate tax avoidance bill may deliver little more than hefty fees for tax lawyersBy Michael West | December 7, 2015There will be much "restructuring" going on right now at the big end of town. Under the government's corporate ...
‘Special purpose’ approach by accountants hides corporate secretsBy Michael West | November 27, 2015The accounting profession has failed. It is a failure that comes at a cost to every man, woman and child in this ...
Funds are fattening up on superannuation feesBy Michael West | November 16, 2015Fees matter … a lot. The average 30 year old can expect to lose one quarter of his or her retirement savings in ...
Search for the biggest fat cat of the Australian super fund industryBy Michael West | November 14, 2015Being a super fund manager is hard yakka. You have to sit around being showered with millions of dollars of other ...
How Adidas and its auditors managed to file their accounts late for 16 yearsBy Michael West | May 7, 2016Investigating multinational tax abuses and shoddy compliance by the world's biggest companies is like shooting ...
The option of paying tax – or notBy Michael West | May 2, 2016American Express has now paid no net income tax in Australia in eight years. EBay persists with its financial ...
Net closing on corporate tax dodgingBy Michael West | April 22, 2016The Senate's final report into corporate tax avoidance was due today. Instead, the committee presiding over one of ...
Banks hold on advice challengedBy Michael West | April 18, 2016The stranglehold of the big banks and AMP over the nation's financial advice market is finally to meet a ...
Inquiries help shine a light, but rarely give rise to reformBy Michael West | April 2, 2016That astute observer of human affairs, SpongeBob SquarePants, once proclaimed, "I smell the smelly smell of ...
Macquarie’s junk yard dogs on the prowlBy Michael West | March 25, 2016There are no flies on those Macbankers. No sooner had they tapped taxpayers for help during the global financial ...
ATO’s private company list kicks up more questions about artistry of tax arrangementsBy Michael West | March 22, 2016The first thing to note about today's data dump from the Australian Taxation Office is the agility and innovation ...
The cat is out of the bag on corporate tax avoidanceBy Michael West | March 4, 2016You would have to have been ensconced in the jungles of Africa on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here to have ...
Corporate tax avoidance bill may deliver little more than hefty fees for tax lawyersBy Michael West | December 7, 2015There will be much "restructuring" going on right now at the big end of town. Under the government's corporate ...
‘Special purpose’ approach by accountants hides corporate secretsBy Michael West | November 27, 2015The accounting profession has failed. It is a failure that comes at a cost to every man, woman and child in this ...
Funds are fattening up on superannuation feesBy Michael West | November 16, 2015Fees matter … a lot. The average 30 year old can expect to lose one quarter of his or her retirement savings in ...
Search for the biggest fat cat of the Australian super fund industryBy Michael West | November 14, 2015Being a super fund manager is hard yakka. You have to sit around being showered with millions of dollars of other ...