Political Dynamite: JobKeeper for billionaires a campaign wrecker for Morrison, FrydenbergBy Michael West | September 6, 2021Big business doesn't vote, small business does. That's the dilemma for Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg as they ...
High-End Heist: Josh sells Pauline the dummy, JobKeeper heat risesBy Michael West | September 2, 2021Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and his big business patrons are in crisis mode amid rising demands to end the JobKeeper ...
JobKeeper shame and the collapse of business leadership in AustraliaBy Michael West | August 30, 2021Unless they disclose who got it, JobKeeper will remain a giant festering stain on the reputation of big business ...
Captive Mood: how Big Tech manipulates your emotions to serve advertisersBy Manal al-Sharif | August 25, 2021The digital advertising platforms don’t just want our data. They also want us to spend our lives online, an ...
White Man’s Media: Rupert Murdoch and the US ImperiumBy John Menadue | August 24, 2021Western media - a tool of the political, military and business establishment - have contributed to the killing of ...
Digital Slaves: how Big Tech tracks us for profitBy Manal al-Sharif | August 18, 2021Use of AI is increasing the power of Big Tech players like Google and Facebook and their control over our lives. ...
CSL and contaminated blood scandal: UK accepts ‘moral responsibility’; Australia still silentBy Elizabeth Minter | June 25, 2021The UK Health Secretary has just admitted his government’s "moral responsibility" for the UK's contaminated blood ...
Bungled Roll-out: Greg Hunt dissembles, confusion reigns over Pfizer vaccine dealBy Callum Foote | June 22, 2021The vaccine rollout remains mired in confusion. Health Minister Greg Hunt is making contradictory claims about how ...
Flight Risk: pressure to bring back travel agent trust accounts, save travellers from insolvencyBy Tasha May | June 21, 2021In 2014 intensive lobbying by travel agents got rid of protections for the travelling public when companies went ...
TV networks join Netflix crusade against Australian arts and screen contentBy Elizabeth Minter | June 16, 2021The TV networks have joined Netflix to oppose local TV content quotas. It's too expensive, they say. Yet the local ...
Propaganda Machine: Deloitte skews fact on economy, media laps it upBy Alan Austin | June 6, 2021Deloitte Access Economics’ claims about Australia’s economic recovery were repeated verbatim by media outlets, ...
Protection Racket: Digital Media Code a farce as Google and Facebook not “designated”By Kim Wingerei | June 3, 2021Google and Facebook are yet to be "designated" under the Digital Media Bargaining Code, leaving the Code a farce ...
Political Dynamite: JobKeeper for billionaires a campaign wrecker for Morrison, FrydenbergBy Michael West | September 6, 2021Big business doesn't vote, small business does. That's the dilemma for Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg as they ...
High-End Heist: Josh sells Pauline the dummy, JobKeeper heat risesBy Michael West | September 2, 2021Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and his big business patrons are in crisis mode amid rising demands to end the JobKeeper ...
JobKeeper shame and the collapse of business leadership in AustraliaBy Michael West | August 30, 2021Unless they disclose who got it, JobKeeper will remain a giant festering stain on the reputation of big business ...
Captive Mood: how Big Tech manipulates your emotions to serve advertisersBy Manal al-Sharif | August 25, 2021The digital advertising platforms don’t just want our data. They also want us to spend our lives online, an ...
White Man’s Media: Rupert Murdoch and the US ImperiumBy John Menadue | August 24, 2021Western media - a tool of the political, military and business establishment - have contributed to the killing of ...
Digital Slaves: how Big Tech tracks us for profitBy Manal al-Sharif | August 18, 2021Use of AI is increasing the power of Big Tech players like Google and Facebook and their control over our lives. ...
CSL and contaminated blood scandal: UK accepts ‘moral responsibility’; Australia still silentBy Elizabeth Minter | June 25, 2021The UK Health Secretary has just admitted his government’s "moral responsibility" for the UK's contaminated blood ...
Bungled Roll-out: Greg Hunt dissembles, confusion reigns over Pfizer vaccine dealBy Callum Foote | June 22, 2021The vaccine rollout remains mired in confusion. Health Minister Greg Hunt is making contradictory claims about how ...
Flight Risk: pressure to bring back travel agent trust accounts, save travellers from insolvencyBy Tasha May | June 21, 2021In 2014 intensive lobbying by travel agents got rid of protections for the travelling public when companies went ...
TV networks join Netflix crusade against Australian arts and screen contentBy Elizabeth Minter | June 16, 2021The TV networks have joined Netflix to oppose local TV content quotas. It's too expensive, they say. Yet the local ...
Propaganda Machine: Deloitte skews fact on economy, media laps it upBy Alan Austin | June 6, 2021Deloitte Access Economics’ claims about Australia’s economic recovery were repeated verbatim by media outlets, ...
Protection Racket: Digital Media Code a farce as Google and Facebook not “designated”By Kim Wingerei | June 3, 2021Google and Facebook are yet to be "designated" under the Digital Media Bargaining Code, leaving the Code a farce ...