Luke Stacey

Luke Stacey was a contributing researcher and editor for the Secret Rich List and Revolving Doors series on Michael West Media. Luke studied journalism at University of Technology, Sydney, has worked in the film industry and studied screenwriting at the New York Film Academy in New York.
Bad Manager: is Boston Consulting really consulting consultants?

Bad Manager: is Boston Consulting really consulting consultants?

Management expert Boston Consulting has managed to burn off millions in tax by paying large whacks to ...
Pauline Hanson Buckles: billionaires beat Parliament again

Pauline Hanson Buckles: billionaires beat Parliament again

It has been 26 years, 26 years of the wealthiest Australians, the billionaires, subverting Australia’s Parliament, ...
Energy to Waste: Australia moves on plastics yet falls short in world recycling race

Energy to Waste: Australia moves on plastics yet falls short in world recycling race

As petrochemical giants plan to double new plastics production and the bulk of Australian plastics are tipped into ...
NSW Contact Tracing: “gold standard” or just more Covid spin?

NSW Contact Tracing: “gold standard” or just more Covid spin?

As Sydney Covid infections spiral out of control, the efficiency of NSW's lauded "gold standard" contact tracing ...
Where there’s a bill there’s a way: Rex Patrick’s dogged fight against Coalition to repeal billionaires’ loophole

Where there’s a bill there’s a way: Rex Patrick’s dogged fight against Coalition to repeal billionaires’ loophole

It's been quite the innings for some of Australia's wealthiest billionaires. Certain large proprietary companies ...
Census 2021 is almost upon us: What’s the Scam?

Census 2021 is almost upon us: What’s the Scam?

Desperate to avoid a repeat of 'Censusfail 2016', the Australian Bureau of Statistics received $38 million from ...
Toxic Waste Rebranded: Australia bans Third World dumping, leaves giant toxic loophole

Toxic Waste Rebranded: Australia bans Third World dumping, leaves giant toxic loophole

"It's our waste, it's our problem", said Scott Morrison as he announced the nation's waste export ban culminating ...
Ocean Waste: how plastic recyclers downplay their use of new plastics

Ocean Waste: how plastic recyclers downplay their use of new plastics

Beware recycled plastics. They often contain virgin plastics, the very plastics the recyclers say they are ...
CitiPower, Powercor: What’s the Scam?

CitiPower, Powercor: What’s the Scam?

Scammer exposed! A fitting title for the latest financial accounts of billionaire-owned electricity giant Victoria ...
NSW pokies: What’s the Scam?

NSW pokies: What’s the Scam?

NSW has the world’s worst pokies losses per capita at $7 billion per year, equivalent to more than $1,200 for each ...
“Unspecified” political donations: What’s the Scam?

“Unspecified” political donations: What’s the Scam?

Has the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) just made it easier to hide political donations? It doesn’t appear ...
PET Project: petrochemical giants exploit recycling to ramp up plastics production

PET Project: petrochemical giants exploit recycling to ramp up plastics production

Australians try to do the right thing each week by separating recyclables into colour-coded wheelie bins. ...

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Don't pay so you can read it.
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