‘Rogue heroes’: body cameras alone won’t fix the likes of Ben Roberts-SmithBy Lisa-Jane Roberts | June 20, 2023The nation's elite soldiers will be soon have a new piece of kit to help stamp out Ben Roberts-Smith-style rogue ...
Want to give First Nations real power in Canberra? Rex Patrick reckons a vote is preferable to a VoiceBy Rex Patrick | June 19, 2023Will the Voice really achieve its objectives? Former senator Rex Patrick, who understands exactly how Canberra ...
Anatomy of a Cover-Up: whistleblower warned PwC and Lendlease of $1b tax scamBy Michael West | June 19, 2023PwC advised Lendlease on the billion-dollar tax scam which is now subject to Australian Tax Office audit. As ...
Here’s a fix for the housing crisis — end the great Airbnb tax rortBy Tim Evans | June 16, 2023At the heart of the nation's housing crisis is a tax rort that sees thousands of liveable homes left unoccupied, ...
Nordic Nah: independent report opens new fault lines in carbon capture and storage’s star projectsBy Zacharias Szumer | June 14, 2023Doubts have been raised about the long-term viability of two of the world’s most-celebrated and most-studied ...
Rampant money-laundering, foreign buyers, put squeeze on renters, first home buyersBy Milan Cooper | June 14, 2023As the debate over the housing crisis ramps up in Parliament, the impact of money laundering driving up property ...
The problem with PWC and the Big 4 – treason is the business modelBy Michael West | June 12, 2023Attached is a note from PwC to its big clients telling them how to dodge the new tax laws shortly before they were ...
AUKUS coming to dinnerBy Kellie Tranter | June 10, 2023Declassified Australia reveals the feast for lobbyists, US defence contractors and hangers-on which is the AUKUS ...
Sydney Cemetery War: meet the new boss, same as the old bossBy Callum Foote and Michael West | June 9, 2023Cemetery industry experts warn that the new Minister for Cemeteries, Steve Kamper, risks breaching the NSW ...
Has Tanya Plibersek watered down Scott Morrison’s already weak koala protection policy?By Suzanne Arnold | June 7, 2023Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has removed the Koala Referral Guidelines, replacing them with a weaker and ...
Smoke and Mirrors: report finds Origin Energy’s suitor Brookfield an aggressive global tax dodgerBy Callum Foote | June 6, 2023A global analysis of Canadian financial engineering juggernaut Brookfield, which is close to wrapping its $20bn ...
AUKUS Fissile or Fizzer? Rex Patrick on the trouble with Virginia Class second hand submarinesBy Rex Patrick | June 5, 2023Former submariner Rex Patrick looks under the hood of the second-hand Virginia-class nuclear submarines to see ...
Julian Assange ignored in “press freedom roundtable” as spies cosy up to Big MediaBy Philip Dorling | June 3, 2023New documents show Julian Assange got little more than a mention at Mark Dreyfus’s media talkfest this year. Amid ...
Draconian: South Australia just topped NSW, Tas, Victoria, Queensland with new laws penalising peaceful protestersBy Wendy Bacon | June 3, 2023A bill introducing harsh penalties and extending the scope of a law applying to those who obstruct public places ...
Have Shine Justice and PwC overstated the assets of the law firm?By Callum Foote | June 2, 2023Callum Foote has dusted off the accounting standards (AASB) and discovered that Shine Justice and its auditors PwC ...