The National Cultural Policy and the Netflix conundrumBy Michael West | January 30, 2023Anthony Albanese and Arts Minister Tony Burke sally forth with their National Cultural Policy today and it is ...
Is Adani the next Enron? What’s the scam?By Kim Wingerei | January 27, 2023A research report cites numerous concerns with Adani's business structure, accounting practices and its lofty ...
Treasurer, regulators, banking lobbyists duck for cover on ANZ’s big restructureBy Callum Foote | January 23, 2023Last week we published a story detailing ANZ’s historic corporate restructuring which now permits the bank to ...
Rex Hex: PM’s office backflips, refuses to release Albo’s diariesBy Michael West | January 19, 2023After telling Rex Patrick his PM’s Diary FOI request would be processed for $1,344, and after Rex paid the ...
Australia: high industry concentration, high profit margins, says UBSBy Michael West | January 19, 2023Competition regulator the ACCC is contemplating approving ANZ's takeover of Suncorp and and Brookfield's bid for ...
An Origin Original: how good is insider trading!By Michael West | January 4, 2023What !^#&49#(@&&? On the sly, without so much as sharing this sensitive financial information with the ASX or even ...
Kevin from Santos loves public hand-outs, loathes tax, lashes Labor’s little gas price limit as “Soviet”By Callum Foote | December 16, 2022Santos CEO has accused the federal government of a soviet style intervention despite making $40 million over the ...
Australian Super members locked out of withdrawals, tradingBy Callum Foote | December 15, 2022Australian Super have been locked out of their accounts for over three weeks now as the financial giant struggles ...
Be suspicious: behind Albo’s masterstroke to cap fossil prices, ease power billsBy Michael West | December 10, 2022Be suspicious, be very suspicious! Albo is capping off Labor's first year in office triumphant, his deal to cap ...
Elon Musk is in a bind, not just with Twitter, it’s Tesla tooBy Michael West | November 15, 2022Twitter raider and Tesla founder Elon Musk might not be the world's richest man for long. What's the scam? The ...
Foreign tax crooks nab hospitals, nursing homes, electricity – now aim to gut Origin Energy tooBy Michael West | November 14, 2022Australia’s electricity grid, hospitals, nursing homes. All off to Caribbean tax havens. What the blazes are we ...
The Usual Suspects: tax office dump lays bare Australia’s biggest tax dodgersBy Michael West | November 4, 2022It's the fossil fuel corporations again, the usual suspects, paying no income tax despite billions in income. For ...
The National Cultural Policy and the Netflix conundrumBy Michael West | January 30, 2023Anthony Albanese and Arts Minister Tony Burke sally forth with their National Cultural Policy today and it is ...
Is Adani the next Enron? What’s the scam?By Kim Wingerei | January 27, 2023A research report cites numerous concerns with Adani's business structure, accounting practices and its lofty ...
Treasurer, regulators, banking lobbyists duck for cover on ANZ’s big restructureBy Callum Foote | January 23, 2023Last week we published a story detailing ANZ’s historic corporate restructuring which now permits the bank to ...
Rex Hex: PM’s office backflips, refuses to release Albo’s diariesBy Michael West | January 19, 2023After telling Rex Patrick his PM’s Diary FOI request would be processed for $1,344, and after Rex paid the ...
Australia: high industry concentration, high profit margins, says UBSBy Michael West | January 19, 2023Competition regulator the ACCC is contemplating approving ANZ's takeover of Suncorp and and Brookfield's bid for ...
An Origin Original: how good is insider trading!By Michael West | January 4, 2023What !^#&49#(@&&? On the sly, without so much as sharing this sensitive financial information with the ASX or even ...
Kevin from Santos loves public hand-outs, loathes tax, lashes Labor’s little gas price limit as “Soviet”By Callum Foote | December 16, 2022Santos CEO has accused the federal government of a soviet style intervention despite making $40 million over the ...
Australian Super members locked out of withdrawals, tradingBy Callum Foote | December 15, 2022Australian Super have been locked out of their accounts for over three weeks now as the financial giant struggles ...
Be suspicious: behind Albo’s masterstroke to cap fossil prices, ease power billsBy Michael West | December 10, 2022Be suspicious, be very suspicious! Albo is capping off Labor's first year in office triumphant, his deal to cap ...
Elon Musk is in a bind, not just with Twitter, it’s Tesla tooBy Michael West | November 15, 2022Twitter raider and Tesla founder Elon Musk might not be the world's richest man for long. What's the scam? The ...
Foreign tax crooks nab hospitals, nursing homes, electricity – now aim to gut Origin Energy tooBy Michael West | November 14, 2022Australia’s electricity grid, hospitals, nursing homes. All off to Caribbean tax havens. What the blazes are we ...
The Usual Suspects: tax office dump lays bare Australia’s biggest tax dodgersBy Michael West | November 4, 2022It's the fossil fuel corporations again, the usual suspects, paying no income tax despite billions in income. For ...