The Nine and Murdoch media declared war was coming this morning, a “full-scale IR war” by business against the government’s “Same Job, Same Pay” labor hire laws. What’s the scam?
The scam is they are not even laws, not even a draft at this point, rather a proposal. But that did not stop this coalition of lobby groups – which don’t even pay tax, which are predominantly financed by foreign shareholders, and which cheered on the waste of $40bn in JobKeeper hand-outs for their members – from playing the victim. Not a single business man or woman has been heard from yet, but “Business” vows the war will not stop!
It was interesting to see how sophisticated the business PR sorcerers are these days. They leaked their “war” to friendly journalists in The Australian and AFR yesterday, who duly splashed their front pages with the war this morning. How they love a war.
In the afternoon the lobby groups – BCA, MCA, APPEA and others sallied forth with their joint statement of pearl-clutching and trailers for their taxpayer-subsidised ad blitz to scare the daylights out of everybody.
After the media did their dirty work for the PR people, and the ABC followed up, sure enough, their ‘exclusive’ stories came true this afternoon when a bunch of lobby groups – who don’t pay tax, advocated for $40b in JobKeeper handouts represent mostly foreign big businesses kicked off their ad campaign.
It is shades of 2010 when the Minerals Council saw off a sitting prime minister in Kevin Rudd with an ad campaign.
Michael West established Michael West Media in 2016 to focus on journalism of high public interest, particularly the rising power of corporations over democracy. West was formerly a journalist and editor with Fairfax newspapers, a columnist for News Corp and even, once, a stockbroker.