As Johnny Cash once sang, 'I keep the ends out for the tie that binds. Because you're mine, I walk the line.' ...
War Powers Reform
Should the PM have the sole call to take Australians to war? 83% of Australians want Parliament to vote before we do. But what does our elected representatives think? We asked them.
Labor MP Mike Freelander said the 'grave matters' of war 'are appropriately considered by the executive' but he ...
David Smith's office told Michael West Media that the Labor MP was 'incredibly busy at this time and will not be ...
A staffer for Kate Thwaites told Michael West Media that the Labor MP 'does not have anything to say' on the issue ...
Should parliamentary approval be required before sending Australian troops into foreign war zones? A staffer from ...
Liberal Senator David Van's office said that, "unfortunately Senator Van has no comments regarding War Powers ...
Labor Senator Catryna Bilyk's office replied to our inquiry with the following statement: "Senator Bilyk does not ...
Larissa Waters of the Greens offered no view on who should have the power to take Australia to war. All we could ...
Labor Senator Raffaele Ciccone does not have a public opinion about who takes Australia to War and suggested that ...
Member for Moncrieff, Angie Bell, failed to provide any response despite our multiple attempts to contact her ...
"As somebody who spent over two decades in the military and who has spent most of his time in the parliament ...
Labor senator Kim Carr expressed no desire to reform #warpowers to allow a vote of Parliament before a Prime ...
Latest Stories
As Johnny Cash once sang, 'I keep the ends out for the tie that binds. Because you're mine, I walk the line.' ...
Labor MP Mike Freelander said the 'grave matters' of war 'are appropriately considered by the executive' but he ...
David Smith's office told Michael West Media that the Labor MP was 'incredibly busy at this time and will not be ...
A staffer for Kate Thwaites told Michael West Media that the Labor MP 'does not have anything to say' on the issue ...
Should parliamentary approval be required before sending Australian troops into foreign war zones? A staffer from ...
Liberal Senator David Van's office said that, "unfortunately Senator Van has no comments regarding War Powers ...
Labor Senator Catryna Bilyk's office replied to our inquiry with the following statement: "Senator Bilyk does not ...
Larissa Waters of the Greens offered no view on who should have the power to take Australia to war. All we could ...
Labor Senator Raffaele Ciccone does not have a public opinion about who takes Australia to War and suggested that ...
Member for Moncrieff, Angie Bell, failed to provide any response despite our multiple attempts to contact her ...
"As somebody who spent over two decades in the military and who has spent most of his time in the parliament ...
Labor senator Kim Carr expressed no desire to reform #warpowers to allow a vote of Parliament before a Prime ...
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