John Stapleton

John Stapleton worked as a staff reporter on The Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian for more than 20 years. His books include Thailand: Deadly Destination and Terror in Australia: Workers' Paradise Lost. Currently edits A Sense of Place Magazine.
“Biggest cyber breach in history” as techs scramble to be heard above Omicron din

“Biggest cyber breach in history” as techs scramble to be heard above Omicron din

Australian governments and businesses have been warned they face their greatest hacking threat yet, Apache Log4j. ...
The intoxicating fall of Malcolm Turnbull: a Shakespearean tragedy played out in the Antipodes

The intoxicating fall of Malcolm Turnbull: a Shakespearean tragedy played out in the Antipodes

Former gun reporter and star of 'Dads on Air', John Stapleton, with alter ego, old Alex, looks back on the ...
Australia now a surveillance state with journalists as Persons of Interest under ASIO Act

Australia now a surveillance state with journalists as Persons of Interest under ASIO Act

Will future historians see the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison era as the period of governance when totalitarian ...

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