Ian Cunliffe

Lawyer, formerly senior federal public servant (CEO Constitutional Commission, CEO Law Reform Commission, Department of PM&C, Protective Security Review and first Royal Commission on Intelligence and Security; High Court Associate (1971) ; partner of major law firms. Awarded Premier's Award (2018) and Law Institute of Victoria's President's Award for pro bono work (2005).
Guilty Your Honour – of fighting for democracy and transparency

Guilty Your Honour – of fighting for democracy and transparency

Under the foreign interference legislation, Ian Cunliffe, a lawyer with 50 years’ experience, faces many decades ...
Coalition’s push for secret trials: behaviour of a tin-pot dictatorship

Coalition’s push for secret trials: behaviour of a tin-pot dictatorship

Claims that the release of information poses a risk to national security can be used to avoid legitimate scrutiny ...
East Timor bugging scandal: Attorney General’s push for secret trial diminishes us as a nation

East Timor bugging scandal: Attorney General’s push for secret trial diminishes us as a nation

Christian Porter is waging war against Bernard Collaery and his client in pushing the line that the sky will fall ...
Robodebt: changes to Criminal Code pave way for action against lawyers who vigorously defend clients

Robodebt: changes to Criminal Code pave way for action against lawyers who vigorously defend clients

The Commonwealth has been extremely cruel to Centrelink recipients but there’s no suggestion that those who ...

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Don't pay so you can read it.
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