Gary McLaren

Gary McLaren is a telco industry consultant, he was the CTO at Hong Kong Broadband Network and the first CTO of NBN Co from 2009 to 2014.. He has worked in telecommunications for three decades and has degrees in engineering and law.
Is the ACCC protecting telco consumers or fattening up NBNCo for sale?

Is the ACCC protecting telco consumers or fattening up NBNCo for sale?

Is the ACCC helping the Government get the best price for the sale of NBNCo? The competition regulators are doing ...
The COVIDSafe app is not the enemy — the virus is

The COVIDSafe app is not the enemy — the virus is

The Coronavirus tracing app has been downloaded more than 5 million times, while privacy concerns remain. ...

Don't pay so you can read it. Pay so everyone can!

Don't pay so you can read it.
Pay so everyone can!

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