Alan Austin

Alan Austin is a freelance journalist with interests in news media, religious affairs and economic and social issues.
Labor’s credit. A strong job market and inflation coming down

Labor’s credit. A strong job market and inflation coming down

While the pundits focus on next week's interest rate move by the Reserve Bank, the job market is the strongest ...
Pundits are wrong. Australia’s economy outperforms global peers

Pundits are wrong. Australia’s economy outperforms global peers

Australia’s economy is outperforming on the global stage and its resilience has been misrepresented by pundits in ...
Australia’s economy grim – but so is the rest of the world

Australia’s economy grim – but so is the rest of the world

Strip out immigration - 6 quarters of negative per capita GDP - and Australia is in recession but it's not all bad ...
Crisis, what crisis? Australia’s economy is doing well compared with many in the world

Crisis, what crisis? Australia’s economy is doing well compared with many in the world

While many feel the pinch of the cost of living crisis, yesterday’s economic growth numbers from the Bureau of ...
Murdoch’s wailing old white man scribes get Jacinda Ardern dead wrong, again

Murdoch’s wailing old white man scribes get Jacinda Ardern dead wrong, again

As the world is thanking Jacinda Ardern profoundly for her 14 years in New Zealand’s Parliament and more than five ...
Workers’ share of the national income pie falls to all-time low

Workers’ share of the national income pie falls to all-time low

Income tax and company tax rates combined with the various indirect taxes have enriched the top end at the expense ...
A winner by wallet maybe, but Lachlan Murdoch has put Crikey on the world stage

A winner by wallet maybe, but Lachlan Murdoch has put Crikey on the world stage

If he gets in the witness box, Lachlan Murdoch stands to win his defamation action against Crikey but the ...
Scott and Josh “superior economic managers”? Not according to the IMF

Scott and Josh “superior economic managers”? Not according to the IMF

It may be the only campaign tactic they have left, and it's a lie, but the media laps it up and Scott Morrison and ...
Blinded by dodgy stats: Frydenberg’s sermon relies on rusty tablets

Blinded by dodgy stats: Frydenberg’s sermon relies on rusty tablets

Australia's recovery is leading the world? Biggest economic shock since the Depression? There used to be a rule ...
Resilient, Josh, really? Treasurer gilds the lily 12 ways on Australia’s economy

Resilient, Josh, really? Treasurer gilds the lily 12 ways on Australia’s economy

Josh Frydenberg has again claimed Australia is "outperforming all other major advanced economies" in a Liberal ...
Zombie Doctrine: belief in Coalition as “super economic managers” sticks, despite proof otherwise

Zombie Doctrine: belief in Coalition as “super economic managers” sticks, despite proof otherwise

The Coalition as "superior economic managers"? The data demonstrates the polar opposite. Alan Austin looks at the ...
“A massive movement of people into new jobs” or Josh joshing again?

“A massive movement of people into new jobs” or Josh joshing again?

Josh Frydenberg's embarrassing take-down by the Senate this week over a bizarre plot to over-regulate proxy ...

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Don't pay so you can read it.
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