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Whitewash! What’s the scam with the Binskin Inquiry into the murder of Zomi Frankcom?

by Michael West | Jul 18, 2024 | What's the scam?

Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom was killed by an Israeli drone strike in Gaza on April 1 along with 6 other World Kitchen Central colleagues. The Binskin inquiry report is a likely whitewash.

After the killings of Zomi Frankcom and her colleagues, the Australian government subsequently announced an inquiry into the murders which was headed by Defence chief turned weapons company director Mark Binskin.

After 100 days had elapsed since the killings last week, and pressure from the Greens, the government leaked to the government-friendly Guardian Australia that the report would drop soon.

The story indicated the findings would be released but not the report. This morning, in a leak to the Israel- government friendly The Australian, it was reported that the findings would back “Israel’s response”, even though Israel has not yet responded with any reasonable detail or an inquiry of its own.

Headlined “War envoy’s verdict on fatal drone strike – Israel’s response backed”, the “exclusive” story noted:

“Mark Binskin’s report on the Israeli drone strikes that killed Zomi Frankcom and six of her colleagues will draw a line under Anthony Albanese’s ­demands for ‘full accountability’ over the deaths.

What’s the scam? The scam is that the Government is warming Australians up for a Binskin whitewash via The Australian. The drone strikes were clearly precision strikes as images of the World Central Kitchen carnage show – three separate precision strikes on WKC vehicles.

And they were carried out with Elbit drones. The Australian government awarded Israel’s leading bomb manufacturer Elbit Systems a $917m weapons contract earlier this year and the Future Fund has invested public money in Elbit.

The Future Fund has stonewalled multiple inquires from MWM to ask how they justified investing in Elbit Systems.

Future Fund ducks for cover over war crimes investment in Elbit

Given the leaks it is likely the public will not see the full Binskin report or be satisfied with Binskin’s explanation as to what occurred, or the Australian government’s sheepish response.

Israel and Australia’s “transparent” inquiry into the World Central Kitchen killings in Gaza


McBride, Binskin and the Keystone Cops – culture of cover-ups now Zomi Frankcom investigation

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Michael West established Michael West Media in 2016 to focus on journalism of high public interest, particularly the rising power of corporations over democracy. West was formerly a journalist and editor with Fairfax newspapers, a columnist for News Corp and even, once, a stockbroker.

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