When asked if he believed Parliamentary approval should be required before Australian troops are sent into armed ...
Independent Member for Indi Helen Haines wants an inquiry.
Dr Haines told Michael West Media that "the decision ...
Federal Member for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie wants reform.
When asked if Parliament should be consulted before ...
Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter believes that Parliament should be consulted before Australian troops are ...
Independent Senator for South Australia Rex Patrick believes that Parliament should be consulted before Australian ...
Andrew Wilkie wants reform.
"The decision to use deadly force is surely something for all the people’s ...
Currently Scott Morrison has SOLE POWER to send Australia to war. Craig Kelly wants to keep it that way.
Craig ...
Zali Steggall wants reformWhat other politicians say about war powers reform
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When asked if he believed Parliamentary approval should be required before Australian troops are sent into armed ...
Independent Member for Indi Helen Haines wants an inquiry.
Dr Haines told Michael West Media that "the decision ...
Federal Member for Mayo Rebekha Sharkie wants reform.
When asked if Parliament should be consulted before ...
Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter believes that Parliament should be consulted before Australian troops are ...
Independent Senator for South Australia Rex Patrick believes that Parliament should be consulted before Australian ...
Andrew Wilkie wants reform.
"The decision to use deadly force is surely something for all the people’s ...
Currently Scott Morrison has SOLE POWER to send Australia to war. Craig Kelly wants to keep it that way.
Craig ...
Zali Steggall wants reformWhat other politicians say about war powers reform
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