ClubsNSW: silent on toxic pokies cultureBy Michael West | July 10, 2019The thuggish ClubsNSW, poker machine promoter extraordinaire and champion of NSW clubs' billion dollar pokies ...
MW30: the numbers which countBy Michael West | May 16, 2019This is the "MW30", a bunch of numbers to track key changes in Australian politics and economy.
Why there’s not much in store for small business this BudgetBy Michael West | March 29, 2019The Government has been working its small business base hard. As they say; “small business votes”, and the changes ...
Privatisations still need scrutiny despite A-G reportBy Michael West | December 12, 2018Coincidently, while we were busy chiding the state government yesterday for its mega-willy-nilly privatisation ...
Nine takeover: Fairfax abolishes News Desk, makes copygirls and copyboys historyBy Michael West | December 3, 2018The Sydney Morning Herald has finally got rid of its news desk. No more copykids. The emails to staff went around ...
Hinch Justice Party scores on preference swapsBy Dr Martin Hirst | November 22, 2018LATEST ....(bringing you the low down on preference swaps):The Derryn Hinch Justice Party is on track to win ...
Golden Ticket Visas for Sale!By Michael West | November 14, 2018If you a a child fleeing persecution, we'll lock you up on somebody else's island against your wishes and the ...
Oxfam is right. Big Pharma are shockers on taxBy Michael West | September 18, 2018The Big Pharma corporations deny it, they have rejected the Oxfam allegations, but it's true; they are tax dodgers.
LendLease time to fess upBy Michael West | August 24, 2018The 2018 Tax Report of LendLease is out. It confirms the construction juggernaut has effectively paid no tax in ...
PEXA: privatising an essential public service … what could possibly go wrong?By Michael West | August 22, 2018They've seen prices go through the roof in NSW. They've see a raft of data-breaches and cyber-crimes. Rod Sims is ...
Nine takeover of Fairfax and golden parachutesBy Michael West | July 26, 2018A few quick points about the Nine deal to snaffle Fairfax: the biggest synergies will come from axing one layer of ...
Aged care: the Senate Inquiry and Allity’s 15 per cent loanBy Michael West | July 19, 2018Anybody keen for a tidy 15 per cent return on a loan? It's pretty safe because the company you are lending to ...
ClubsNSW: silent on toxic pokies cultureBy Michael West | July 10, 2019The thuggish ClubsNSW, poker machine promoter extraordinaire and champion of NSW clubs' billion dollar pokies ...
MW30: the numbers which countBy Michael West | May 16, 2019This is the "MW30", a bunch of numbers to track key changes in Australian politics and economy.
Why there’s not much in store for small business this BudgetBy Michael West | March 29, 2019The Government has been working its small business base hard. As they say; “small business votes”, and the changes ...
Privatisations still need scrutiny despite A-G reportBy Michael West | December 12, 2018Coincidently, while we were busy chiding the state government yesterday for its mega-willy-nilly privatisation ...
Nine takeover: Fairfax abolishes News Desk, makes copygirls and copyboys historyBy Michael West | December 3, 2018The Sydney Morning Herald has finally got rid of its news desk. No more copykids. The emails to staff went around ...
Hinch Justice Party scores on preference swapsBy Dr Martin Hirst | November 22, 2018LATEST ....(bringing you the low down on preference swaps):The Derryn Hinch Justice Party is on track to win ...
Golden Ticket Visas for Sale!By Michael West | November 14, 2018If you a a child fleeing persecution, we'll lock you up on somebody else's island against your wishes and the ...
Oxfam is right. Big Pharma are shockers on taxBy Michael West | September 18, 2018The Big Pharma corporations deny it, they have rejected the Oxfam allegations, but it's true; they are tax dodgers.
LendLease time to fess upBy Michael West | August 24, 2018The 2018 Tax Report of LendLease is out. It confirms the construction juggernaut has effectively paid no tax in ...
PEXA: privatising an essential public service … what could possibly go wrong?By Michael West | August 22, 2018They've seen prices go through the roof in NSW. They've see a raft of data-breaches and cyber-crimes. Rod Sims is ...
Nine takeover of Fairfax and golden parachutesBy Michael West | July 26, 2018A few quick points about the Nine deal to snaffle Fairfax: the biggest synergies will come from axing one layer of ...
Aged care: the Senate Inquiry and Allity’s 15 per cent loanBy Michael West | July 19, 2018Anybody keen for a tidy 15 per cent return on a loan? It's pretty safe because the company you are lending to ...