Peter Mills

Peter Mills is the Principal at Contrepoint. He began his career with political polling strategists ANOP before leading research teams at American Express, Westpac, IAG, Optus and Toyota Finance working Internationally for both Amex and Toyota.
Want to fix productivity? Kill KPIs – they reward executives for cutting costs and delivering poor customer experience

Want to fix productivity? Kill KPIs – they reward executives for cutting costs and delivering poor customer experience

Something has gone horribly wrong in how customers are treated. We all know it. Peter Mills traces the problem ...
Gallup Survey: worker apathy now a global epidemic

Gallup Survey: worker apathy now a global epidemic

When the US Gallup organisation published the results of its 2017 ‘State of the Global Workplace’ research, it ...
Transport vision: more parking fines please!

Transport vision: more parking fines please!

OPED There is no coherent vision for transport in Australia, writes Peter Mills. The state and federal policies ...
Oped: polling is destroying Western Democracies

Oped: polling is destroying Western Democracies

Oped by political and market research veteran Peter Mills Politicians have opted out of the vision ...

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Don't pay so you can read it.
Pay so everyone can!

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