Alexia Adhikari

Alexia Adhikari is a research fellow at The Australia Institute, an independent Australian think tank. She writes on issues of education and co-authored the report ‘Funding a fairer education system’.
Value for money? The princely salaries of private school principals

Value for money? The princely salaries of private school principals

While public school funding lags, principals of private schools are paid up to four times their state system ...
Private schools, public subsidies: with $50k fees per child per year, how can tax breaks be justified?

Private schools, public subsidies: with $50k fees per child per year, how can tax breaks be justified?

Private schools are competing in an 'arms race' of vanity projects, even winning architecture prizes, so how can ...

Don't pay so you can read it. Pay so everyone can!

Don't pay so you can read it.
Pay so everyone can!

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