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Veterans Affairs refers unlawful spying investigation to … its HR department

by Stuart McCarthy | Jul 4, 2024 | What's the scam?

What’s the scam with Department of Veteran’s Affairs referring claims of illegal espionage to its Human Resources department?

Yesterday MWM covered allegations that emerged from a Senate Estimates hearing on Tuesday night that the national manager of the ‘Open Arms’ veteran and family counselling service had dismissed a misconduct complaint against herself “on behalf of the Minister.”

NACC: Veterans’ Affairs boss dismissed misconduct complaint against herself


In even more sensational testimony, Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie quoted from a complaint to the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security that the department’s security chief, former intelligence officer Rodger McNally:

“… appears to be engaged in a targeted vendetta against people who lawfully used the FOI process for its intended purpose and exposed DVA’s toxic culture to the scrutiny of a Royal Commission.”

These are very serious allegations, and it seems the department is taking them very seriously too. So seriously, in fact, that they referred the investigation to … the HR department.

According to an email from the department’s Chief People Officer Katrina Jocumsen yesterday, the matter is now “closed.” Stay tuned, because MWM has opened an investigation into the investigation.

Stuart McCarthy

Stuart McCarthy is a medically retired Australian Army officer whose 28-year military career included deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Stuart is an advocate for veterans with brain injury, disabilities, drug trial subjects and abuse survivors. Twitter: @StuartMcCarthy_

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