Submission Guidelines
Michael West Media is one of Australia’s most successful independent news sites. Our focus is on fact-based investigations into big business, tax avoidance, banking and the energy sectors.
Our contributors include some of Australia’s most experienced investigative journalists.
We generally don’t accept unsolicited stories or pitches – please contact us first.
Tips for submissions:
- Focus should be a fact-based investigation, not opinion
- Our preferred length is 850 words
- Submit in MS Word-compatible format
- No documents or images in pdf format
- Advise if published elsewhere
- Supply hyperlinks to claims, quotes, to enable fact-checking
- Supply sources of all images to check for copyright
- Supply a short bio and photo — square head-shot 500x500px minimum
- Anonymous material is only published under special circumstances and anonymity protected
- Press-releases, advertorials or native advertising not accepted
A note from Michael West:
MWM is a journalism website, not just commentary and analysis. Our raison d’etre is to explore the nexus between business and government. Corruption, inequality, propaganda, lobbying, and political influence of corporations are some of the
Stories considered for publication should include data points or factual perspectives. Only lead with waffle if you are an extremely competent waffler with a “news hook”, that is, a unique commentary point or data soon to come after the waffle.
Straight stories should be around 850 words. This is enough space to tell the story. Graphics and tables are welcome as are illo ideas.
Investigations can go to 1,800 words if the data justifies the wordage. Scoops and unique story angles increase the prospect of publication.
Comment and analysis is invited if the writer is either experienced or qualified in her or his field. If there are propositions in the story which are likely to be contested, the writer – if a journalist – should put questions to the people targeted before publication.
A “no comment” is fine, as long as the questions have been put. In the case of institutions, this can be done simply by email and a few hours of opportunity to respond. PR people will try to delay and make promises but same day publication is reasonable.
If the MWM editors agree to publish, please follow these guidelines rather than expecting us to cut the story as this saves time and allows the writer to think more about the story and the way it should be delivered.
Remember, unless you are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, readers are far more likely to be interested in your subject material than in the fact that you wrote it. If you are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the opposite applies.
Opinions, therefore, run second to demonstrable facts and interesting narrative and must be sustained by the facts/data points. My personal approach is to bear in mind that only Mum and Dad care how I feel.
For experienced commentators, readers probably already know how you feel about things, so this applies equally.
On feelings, we are a progressive media outlet but appreciate that everybody is entitled to their own judgement. So, if disparaging opponents in a culture war scenario, make it light and clever, not bombastic and laden with adjectives.
Although progressive we are deliberately non-party political.
Finally, “its” doesn’t mean “it is”. That would be “it’s”. And only use apostrophe ‘s if you are conveying the idea of belonging or possession.
Have a nice day!