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Sparke Helmore received $162m from Morrison government

by Callum Foote | Apr 7, 2022 | Lobbyland

Sparke Helmore Lawyers, who the government used to conduct the investigation into potential sexual misconduct in the Australian Parliament prayer room by Liberal MPs, has received more than $162 million from the Morrison government.

The law firm has been awarded 865 Federal government contracts since 2018. Contracts spiked for the law firm in 2019-20 with $72 million in Federal Government contracts won. The majority of these contracts, $44 million, were awarded by the Department of Home Affairs.

Sparke Helmore has close ties with the Liberal Party, with current special council Nell McGill running as a Liberal Party candidate in the electorate of Shortland, NSW. Seen below with Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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