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Sizzling spendathon: politics beats priorities on infrastructure

by Mark Sawyer | Mar 29, 2022 | Lobbyland

A bonanza awaits you if you live in an electorate the Morrison government has in its sights at the election.

There’s an election to win and seats to shore up, or even take. The Guardian reports that the Morrison government is pouring a disproportionate amount of money into projects in the Coalition’s must-win seats. But, it adds, only a third of expenditure, and 15% of the projects, targeting marginal seats has been endorsed by the independent agency Infrastructure Australia. The Guardian analysed 144 projects worth $16 billion and found that only 21, worth $5.7bn, had been endorsed by the government agency. 

Mark Sawyer

Mark Sawyer is a journalist with extensive experience in print and digital media in Sydney, Melbourne and rural Australia.

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