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Scott Morrison’s effective campaign secrecy

by Callum Foote | Apr 20, 2022 | Lobbyland

Scott Morrison’s campaign has leant on secrecy by refusing to provide the numbers to support a number of unfounded campaign announcements and claims against Labor.

Prominent examples have been the 70,000 tonnes of coal that are currently being shipped to Ukraine, with no publicly released estimated time of arrival. Questions put to the Prime Minister’s office have gone unanswered, with delivery partner Trafigura refusing to comment on the status of the coal.

Next is Morrison’s claims that his government’s covid pandemic actions saved 40,000 lives. MWM, and numerous other media outlets, have reached out to the PMO for the modelling to back up this claim with zero response.

Finally, the SMH and Skynews ran a story with ABC following, that Labor’s announced policies would cost $302 billion to implement. The source was “Coalition funded analysis” with the PMO again refusing to release the modelling.

It seems Albo’s “blunders” are more interesting for the media than unfounded announcables.

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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