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Perfectly presentable Katherine Deves leaves out the tricky bits

by Mark Sawyer | Apr 21, 2022 | Lobbyland

In a world without social media, even the internet, Katherine Deves might be running the perfect campaign for the Liberal Party in Warringah, a seat that until 2019 was a ‘‘lock’’ but is now further than ever from the party’s grasp.

A campaign brochure that hit some letterboxes on Tuesday presents the candidate as ‘‘a local lawyer and women’s advocate’’ who is ‘‘passionate about creating a stronger local community in Warringah and giving residents and businesses in our area a voice inside the government to get things done’’. Then a bit of family stuff and guff about the electorate’s ‘‘unique lifestyle’’ (does any electorate not have a unique lifestyle?).

 Anyway, it’s clean politics to a tee. No mention of her rival, independent MP Zali Steggall – and nothing about the activism and social media posts that have caused outrage nationwide and created a chorus of Liberal voices calling on Deves to step aside. 

Meanwhile, in what might be termed a feather in her cap, Steggall has made onto Clive Palmer’s high-funded, low-credibility, hit list. ‘‘We can never trust Zali, the Liberals, Labor or the Greens ever again,’’ screamed a window display at United Australia Party campaign rooms across the road from Steggall’s Mosman electorate office. 

Mark Sawyer

Mark Sawyer is a journalist with extensive experience in print and digital media in Sydney, Melbourne and rural Australia.

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