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Nine Entertainment gets coal power upside down

by Callum Foote | Apr 25, 2022 | Lobbyland

Chris Bowen, who would be energy minister in an Albanese government, has done his best to explain to Nine Entertainment’s how energy prices work.

Chris Uhlmann, political editor for the Nine News, seemed intent on schooling the Shadow Minister on how falling renewable energy prices meant higher energy prices. Unfortunately for Uhlmann his knowledge of the grid was patchy.

Uhlmann’s main point was that the wholesale power price wouln’t drop with the addition of cheaper renewable energy into the grid. According to science writer Ketan Joshi, the Clean Energy Wire offers an explanation, with the basic idea being what we all suspect, cheaper renewable energy entering the grid lowered overall prices.

A report produced by the Australian Energy Market Operator details that while renewable energy exerts downward pressure on prices, the cost of expensive coal and gas outweighed this benefit leading to our high wholesale energy prices right now.

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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