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Coal to Ukraine cost $32.5m; no word on if it has left Australia

by Callum Foote | May 18, 2022 | Lobbyland

The Department of Industry has confirmed that a contract worth $32.5 million to global shipping company Trafigura represents the coal Scott Morrison announced for Ukraine in March.

The contract notice, published on May 16, from the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources worth $32,570,000.00 for the ‘Purchase of Specialised Equipment/Materials [Thermal Coal]’ which was offered under a limited tender was awarded to Singapore-based shipping company Trafigura.

It is unclear how much of this money ended up in the accounts of coal miner Whitehaven.

The Department of Industry has again refused to comment on whether this coal has arrived in Ukraine or even left Australian shores. A spokesperson said: “Transportation details remain confidential to protect the vessel, crew and cargo”.

Morrison’s madcap plan to send coal to Ukraine just another “announceable”?

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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