Join the dots. Not quite murder but a mountain of Murdoch blame in the sad, early passing of Senator Kimberley Kitching.
The Australian is accusing Labor’s “Mean Girls” Katy Gallagher, Kristina Keneally and Penny Wong of putting Kitching under pressure before her death at age 52 from a suspected heart attack last Thursday.
The attack had its effect. Anthony Albanese has already had to address the story with most Murdoch outlets along with AFR and SMH following up the mean girls story.
Interviewed on Radio National, shadow finance minister Gallagher parried questions about whether she, Keneally and Wong had treated Kitching with respect and professional courtesy.
But again I don’t know that it’s particularly respectful to enter into commentary or disagreement about this particular, aspects of that article in the few days since she’s passed, I don’t think it’s respectful, I don’t think it’s right, think I’ll just leave it there. Gallagher said.
It’s a dirty political trick to use the dead to undermine your political opponents, however, it is also poor form for Labor politicians to use the deflecting ‘’out of respect for the victims, this is not the time” line – a la the NRA and the Sandy Hook gun massacre in the US – to not address the issues raised.

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.