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Mainstream media still silent on Prayer Room

by Callum Foote | Apr 11, 2022 | Lobbyland

One week since prayer room allegations and barely a peep from the mainstream media.

It has been a week since the contents of the Sparke Helmore investigation into allegations of misconduct by federal Liberal Party ministers in the Australian Parliament House Prayer Room by YouTube channel FriendlyJordies. Not to mention AFP raids on the whistleblower who helped with the investigation.

Sparke Helmore Lawyers, which have received $162 million in contracts from the Morrison government, investigated allegations that Liberal Party MPs brought sex workers into Parliament House.

Out of the mainstream media outlets, only the Guardian Australia and Daily Mail have followed the story, Guardian cautious in its coverage yet quoting the whistleblower in question. Nothing like the furore in the wake of the Labor’s Mean Girls allegations.

The original video detailing the allegations has been taken down by Youtube due to a defamation concern complaint.

Callum Foote

Callum Foote was a reporter for Michael West Media for four years.

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