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Kiwis steal a march on Australians at Anzac Day in London

by Mark Sawyer | Apr 25, 2022 | Lobbyland

Bledisloe Cup, likeability of prime minister, pavlova. Australians are becoming used to being upstaged by New Zealanders. It’s happening again on our sacred day.

In London, the Kiwis have stolen a march on Anzac Day commemorations, which are thankfully coming back to full strength despite the continued pandemic.

As explained by the Australian High Commission: ”The main service will take place in front of the New Zealand Memorial at Hyde Park Corner. At the conclusion of the service wreaths will also be laid at the Australian War Memorial.”

In other words, Anzac has become Nzaac.

Our man in London is George Brandis. High commissioner to the UK is a plum post for Australian politicians. Brandis succeeded another former Coalition minister, Alexander Downer. There would be a few superannuated Labor people eyeing the gig should Anthony Albanese get over the line on May 21.

Mark Sawyer

Mark Sawyer is a journalist with extensive experience in print and digital media in Sydney, Melbourne and rural Australia.

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