Revolving Doors

Kim Beazley

Kim Beazley

Labor | Military | Revolving Doors

Arguably the most dominant public figure straddling government and military industry in Australia. Closely connected to political, US alliance and military industry interests. Has expanded WA Governor role to include advocacy for WA defence industry. Before and after his time as Australia’s US Ambassador he engaged in industry corporate work. Beazley retired from his role as WA Governor on June 30 2022.

Current Positions

  • Governor of Western Australia (May 2018–June 2022)
  • Director and secretary, Kim Beazley & Associates (30.4.08–present)*

*via ASIC search (PDF available)

Previous Positions

Federal cabinet and ministerial positions

Federal shadow ministerial positions

Political and public administrative positions

​* via ASIC search (PDF available)


Revolving Door

  • Board member, Lockheed Martin Australia (1.6.16–19.4.18)*
  • Chair, Ernst & Young Defence Advisory Group (July 2008–[Jan 2010?])

​* via ASIC search (PDF available)


Other Positions

  • Director, Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation (8.5.17*–18.5.18)
  • President, Australian Institute for International Affairs (1.3.16–15.10.17)
  • Distinguished Fellow and board member, Perth USAsia Centre (April 2016-present)
  • Director, Australian American Education Leadership Foundation Ltd (16.12.15–4.4.18)*
  • Founding member, Australian American Leadership Dialogue (1992present), including AALD Co-Chair (2016–2018)
  • Director, United States Studies Centre (6.6.07–8.4.09)*
  • Member, Advisory Council, United States Studies Centre (dates unknown)

*via ASIC search (PDF available)

Related Items

Adding defence industry advocacy to the role of Governor

10.5.19: ‘WA Governor Kim Beazley has won an extra $1.4 million in [WA] Labor’s third budget, with the fine print revealing the former federal Labor leader has “expanded [his] role to include a focus on state advocacy.” Treasurer Ben Wyatt… said Mr Beazley would use the money to help attract a bigger share of Australia’s defence industry to WA in addition to performing his job under the constitution.’

3.4.18: WA Premier Mark McGowan said Mr Beazley would bring natural leadership skills to the role of Governor. “Kim Beazley is a natural leader – a true asset to Western Australia and someone who will advocate in the best interests of our State,” Mr McGowan said. “His significant experience in defence and foreign affairs will be a valuable addition, as will his unparalleled international network that will assist in promoting Western Australia to the rest of the world.”

Beazley commenting on Australia’s ‘deep state’
9.8.16 “Normally when you use the expression ‘deep state’ what you’re talking about is a quite evil process associated with dictatorships that mean that whatever the politics are that run across the surface of a state, underneath it all is the real power that lies in the deep state which is usually a military-intelligence phalanx. Well, we have a benign deep state and the people who are representative of that include many sitting in this room.” Kim Beazley, newly appointed member of the board of Lockheed Martin Australia, delivering the Australian Naval Institute’s 2016 Vernon Parker Oration

Please advise any dead links. Thank you. [email protected]

James Fitzgerald Sice

James is studying a bachelor of Communication (Journalism) at the University of Technology Sydney. He is a producer at 2SER radio and contributor at UTS’s Central News.

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