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Yes to terrorism cover, no to fracking. What’s the farmer (insurance) scam?

by Kim Wingerei | May 17, 2024 | What's the scam?

Insurance companies refuse to cover damage from coal seam gas fracking infrastructure, yet are happy to charge farmers on the Liverpool Plains the ‘Terrorism Levy’. What’s the scam?

The scam is the insurance companies are having their cake and eating it again. While the Government is supporting Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project and other coal seam gas projects in the farming heartlands of the Liverpool plains, Allianz Insurance has ruled out covering farmers for damage caused by “coal seam gas infrastructure, activities, or transport.”

The move by Allianz follows a similar decision by Australia’s biggest insurer IAG, owner of major rural insurer WFI in 2020, which impacted Queensland farmers with coal seam gas infrastructure on their property.

According to one affected farmer in the area,  “Santos wants to build its Hunter Gas Pipeline right through our farm, so this naturally concerned me about what it would mean for our property and future insurance,”

This pipeline would effectively be there forever, so there would be an ongoing impact on me and future generations.


Could it be that the big insurance companies know what the rest of us already do, that fracking and gas pipelines are fraught with risks? CSG threatens the underground water that sustains farming operations; leaks may cause fires; fumes may cause leukemia in children and severely impact the general health of the nearby population. Not to mention the impact of emissions.

Meanwhile, these same insurance companies continue to impose the ‘Terrorism Levy‘ on farmers. Is this terrorism levy a scam, has anybody ever claimed it?

AIG Insurance bill

Copy of farmer’s insurance bill (image supplied)

We may be naive, but we still think the risk of Al-Qaeda planning operations in Currimundi, Quirindi, or Braefield is relatively low. If not, chances are the farmers wouldn’t get cover…

As long as the insurers can keep making massive profits and pushing inflation higher …

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Kim Wingerei is a businessman turned writer and commentator. He is passionate about free speech, human rights, democracy and the politics of change. Originally from Norway, Kim has lived in Australia for 30 years. Author of ‘Why Democracy is Broken – A Blueprint for Change’.

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