Revolving Doors

Mike Kelly

Mike Kelly

Labor | Military | Revolving Doors

Less than two weeks after quitting parliament for health reasons, Mike Kelly, member of the powerful Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, accepted a job leading Palantir Technologies Australia. Palantir is a US datamining corporation that has worked for the Pentagon and the CIA.

Current Positions

CEO, Palantir Technologies Australia (May 2020–present)

Previous Positions


  • Federal MP for Eden-Monaro (NSW) (Jul 2016–30.4.20)
  • Security adviser, Office of Hon. WR Shorten MP (2013–2016)
  • Federal MP for Eden-Monaro (NSW) (Nov 2007–Sep 2013)
  • In opposition:
  • Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence (2.6.19–30.4.20)
  • Member, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (15.9.16–30.4.20)
  • Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Industry and Support (23.7.16–2.6.19)

In government:

Various ministerial positions (3.12.07–18.9.13), including:

  • Minister for Defence Materiel (4.2.13–18.9.13)
  • Parliamentary Secretary for Defence (14.12.11–4.2.13)
  • Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support (6.2.08–14.9.10)
  • Parliamentary Secretary to Defence Minister (3.12.07–6.2.08)


Australian Army (1987–2007), commencing with ADF Legal Corps, rising to rank of Colonel as Director of Army Legal Services


Solicitor (1984–1987)


Source for previous positions here and as additionally linked

Related Items

10.5.20, ABC quoted Mike Kelly, “I have been fortunate to be able to take up a job offer with Palantir Technologies Australia that will enable me to work within my physical limitations but still be in a position to make a difference in relation to the issues that matter to me.”

8.10.13, Crikey investigation: “Palantir’s products help agencies effectively search through huge amounts of different information and collate them with other agencies’ data. It has rapidly become a key player in the establishment of the US surveillance state and a poster boy for what smart people and lots of computing power can do to strip away privacy and garner intelligence down to the individual level.”

James Fitzgerald Sice

James is studying a bachelor of Communication (Journalism) at the University of Technology Sydney. He is a producer at 2SER radio and contributor at UTS’s Central News.

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